26 Feb. Here is a class called ImageButton to create buttons with images on them. This link connects to an applet which uses this class, along with source listings for the applet and the ImageButton class itself. Just include ImageButton.java in your project and have fun!
20 Feb. Your topic proposal for the miniproject should be written on a web page and submitted by Thursday (Feb. 24) at 5:00.
18 Feb. Here's more information about the MiniProject.
17 Feb. Do your peer evaluations online by 5:00 PM Friday, or noon Saturday at the latest.
4 Feb. The solutions submitted for L2 and J1 are now available via links from the Assignments page or via these shortcuts (L2, J1).
3 Feb. Various changes have been made to the schedule including postponement of the Java quiz, postponement of the J2 deadline, and a new Monday afternoon J2 milestone deadline.
28 January. Jeremy has just written an example applet that clarifies how to get the coordinates of the mouse. Here it is.
18 January. Fill out the milestone form for Assignment L2 and submit it by 5:00 PM January 18.
16 January. I've put some tips onto the web for both the STUDENT and SHRINK options on Assignment L2. For the STUDENT, it's the sample code for converting an English description of an expression into a Lisp/math expression. For the SHRINK, it's some tips on converting strings to lists, etc. See the L2 assignment page for details.
12 January. If you are free on Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 you can come to Sieg 422 for a presentation/discussion of some of the code relevant to Assignment L2: The SHRINK and MATCH programs will be discussed.
12 January. I have posted links from the syllabus page to some Unix help and an HTML introduction for those of you who may be new to these technologies.
10 January. Info about how to use Lisp for web page and CGI programming has been posted with links from the Syllabus and from the L2 Assignment page.
7 January. Office hours for both Jeremy and Steve have been updated.
4 January. Subscribe
to the course mailing list by sending an email message to majordomo@cs
with a body consisting of one line:
You'll receive
a request for confirmation by email with further instructions for completing
the transaction.
3 January. For assignment L1, you may use any Common Lisp interpreter. Two are available on CSE Lab machines. On the NT machines you can find Allegro Common Lisp Lite for Windows in the Programs folder. On the instructional Linux machines you can run CLISP by typing /uns/bin/clisp
2 January. Our
first programming language in the course is Lisp. The reading material
on Lisp, entitled Symbols, Programs, Interaction: An Introduction to
Common Lisp, is available at Professional Copy N Print, 4200 University
Way, N.E. The cost is approximately $12.00.