There will be a quiz on each of the
first two (Lisp and Java) of the three principal languages taught in the
course. There will also be a final exam. The Perl language will be
covered on the final exam but not on a quiz..
The first quiz will be in class on Friday, January 21. Topics to be covered include the following:
Lisp S-expressions
Conses and Lists
Referential transparency, side effects,
and pure functions.
Scope and extent for the following kinds
of bindings:
global bindings of symbols
local bindings of symbols
function bindings of symbols
The Lisp functions CONS, CAR, CDR, ATOM,
NULL, LIST, +,= ,*, /
Special forms SETQ, IF, COND, QUOTE, DEFUN,
Defining one-way recursive functions that
work on lists.
Defining two-way recursive functions that
work on lists with embedded sublists.
Evaluation and EVAL
APPLY, FUNCALL, MAPCAR, and closures.
The second quiz
will be in class on Friday, February 11. (Topics to be announced).
The final exam will be on Monday, March
13, from 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM.