Some Similarities between Smalltalk and Java
- object-oriented: classes, instances, subclasses, inheritance, dynamic
method lookup
- objects stored in heap; object references handled in same manner
- access to inherited methods using super
- class Object at root of class hierarchy
- rich class library (including collection classes, graphics classes, etc
- compiler produces byte codes; lots of interesting compiler technology
Key Differences between Smalltalk and Java
- in Smalltalk everything is an object, even 3, true, nil,
activation records -- no primitive types
- classes are runtime objects -- you make a new object by sending a
message to a class
- first-class closures (called blocks in Smalltalk -- the same as lambda
expressions in Scheme)
- control structures all handled by message sending -- no built-in
control structures
- no static type checking; no type declarations
- no interfaces or abstract declarations (just classes)
- entire system is accessible to the user -- you can add to or modify
class Object, the compiler, etc.
Available Implementations
I'll use Squeak to demonstrate
Smalltalk in class. I also recommend this implementation for anyone who
wants to experiment with the language: it's freely available for most
platforms, and comes with lots of cool stuff. Follow the link to see
tutorials, download instructions, etc.
Language Overview
We'll now give a quick overview of the language, via a few small examples.
Basic concepts:
- objects
- instances
- classes
- messages and methods
- unary messages
examples: "new", "copy"
Date today Time now hours
Array new someCollection copy
- keyword messages
examples: new:, at:, at: put:
Array new: 10
someArray at: 1 put: 54
anArray at: 1
- binary messages -
examples: + - * /
5 * 9, 3 + 2 * 5
- unary>binary>keyword, left-to-right within same kind,
- parentheses override
- Question: What is the value of 3 + 2 * 5 ?
25, NOT 13
Use parens to get what you want: 3 + (2 * 5)
Note that we will very frequently be composing messages -- for example
Time now hours + 1
first sends the message now
to the class Time
which returns the current time (an instance of Time). We then send this
object the message hours
, which returns an integer. Then we
send the message +
with the argument 1 to this integer,
returning another integer (which will be the current hour plus 1).
Example 1: Stack
First we define a new class:
Object subclass: #Stack
instanceVariableNames: 'anArray top'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
Now define some methods:
push: item
top := top+1.
anArray at: top put: item
pop | item |
item := anArray at: top.
top := top-1.
^ item
setsize: n
anArray := Array new: n.
top := 0.
Some code to test the stack:
S := Stack new.
S setsize: 10.
S inspect.
S push: 'hi there'.
S push: 3.14159.
S pop
Adding error checking and growing:
push: item
| save |
top := top+1.
top > anArray size ifTrue:
"anArray is about to overflow. make a new array twice as big, and
copy the old values into it"
[save := anArray.
anArray := Array new: 2*save size.
1 to: save size do:
[:k | anArray at: k put: (save at: k)]].
anArray at: top put: item
pop | item |
self isEmpty ifTrue: [self error: 'trying to pop an empty stack'].
item := anArray at: top.
top := top-1.
^ item
^ top=0
Introduction to the Class Hierarchy
Here is a simplified picture:
- Magnitude
- Date
- Time
- Character: (eg. $h, $j, $ )
- Number
- Integer (eg. 1, -1, 0)
- Fraction (eg. 7/10, 1/7)
- Float (eg. 0.7, 3.14, 1.0)
- Boolean
- True (only one instance of this class: true)
- False (only one instance of this class: false)
- UndefinedObject (only one instance of this class: nil)
- Collection
- Bag (unordered collection, duplicates allowed)
- Set (unordered collection, no duplicates)
- Dictionary (key - value associations)
- SequenceableCollection (ordered collections)
- SortedCollection (internally ordered)
- OrderedCollection (ordered by insertion order)
- Interval
- ArrayedCollection (ordered by key)
- Array (eg. #(1 3.14 'hello' $g))
- String (eg. 'hello')
- Behavior
- Compiler
- Etc.
At the top of the hierarchy, is of course, Object. All classes are subclasses
of the Object class. A few important methods defined by Object are:
- Equality Tests: = and ~= (these are like Scheme's equal?)
- Identity Tests: == and ~~ (these are like Scheme's eq?)
- Copying: copy
- Printing: printString and printOn: aStream
Numbers pretty much respond to messages as we'd expect (+, -, *, /, >,
<, etc.). We never have to explicitly convert between the number
classes (conversions are done automatically). For instance if we say:
3.4 + 3, the result will be 6.4 (a Float). Numbers are converted to
more general classes as necessary (Floats are more general than
Fractions are more general than Integers).
Control Abstractions
All control structures are done with blocks (closures) and message
passing. This is characteristic of pure object-oriented languages,
but not of hybrid languages. Many of the basic control structures are
implemented as methods in the classes True or False.
A block is Smalltalk jargon for a lexical closure (like a lambda expression
in Scheme).
| c1 c2 x |
x := 0.
c1 := [ x := x+1 ]. "c1 is a block"
c2 := [ :i | x := x+i ]. "c2 is a block w/ one parm"
c1 value. "evaluate c1"
c2 value: 20. "evaluate c2, with the argument 20"
" now x equals 21... "
We use square brackets to define a block. The names before the | in the
block are parameters to the block (they must start with a colon). We can
send a block the value message to force it to evaluate itself.
Boolean "operators"
Here are the method definitions which implement and, or, and not for
True objects.
printOn: stream
stream nextPutAll: 'true'
& b "evaluating and"
^ b
| b "evaluating or"
^ true
^ false
and: block "short-circuit and"
^ block value
or: block "short-circuit or"
^ true
Here are the method definitions which implement and, or, and not for
False objects.
printOn: stream
stream nextPutAll: false'
& b "evaluating and"
^ false
| b "evaluating or"
^ b
^ true
and: block "short-circuit and"
^ false
or: block "short-circuit or"
^ block value
Examples of Boolean expressions:
(3=4) & (2>1)
(3=4) | (2>1)
(3=2) not
true & false not
(3=4) and: [(1/0) = 8]
Conditionals are also implemented as methods on True or False:
ifTrue: block
^ block value
ifFalse: block
^ nil
ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock
^ tBlock value
ifTrue: block
^ nil
ifFalse: block
^ block value
ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock
^ fBlock value
Examples of Conditionals:
3=4 ifTrue: [x := 10].
x=y ifTrue: [x := 8] ifFalse: [x := 9].
x := x=y ifTrue: [8] ifFalse: [9].
Simple Iteration
Blocks and the boolean classes are also used to implement iteratation.
a := 1.
[a < 10] whileTrue: [Transcript show: a printString. a := a+1].
a := 1.
[a > 10] whileFalse: [Transcript show: a printString. a := a+1].
1 to: 10 do: [:x | Transcript show: x printString].
Iterating over Collections
add: newObject
"add newObject to the receiver"
remove: oldObject
"remove oldObject from the receiver, report error if not found"
remove: oldObject ifAbsent: aBlock
"remove oldObject from receiver, evaluate aBlock if not found"
"answer whether receiver is empty"
"answer the number of elements in the receiver"
do: aBlock
"evaluate aBlock for each element"
collect: aBlock
"like Scheme map -- make a new collection by applying aBlock to each
element and collecting the results"
Note that because of Smalltalk's support for first-class closures (blocks)
we don't need separate Iterator objects as in Java -- we can just implement
methods such as do: for collections.
a := #(3 4 5 6). "an array literal"
a collect: [:j | j+10] "this returns (13 14 15 16)"
sum := 0.
a do: [:n | sum := sum+n]
"sum is now 18"