Homework: Feedback
It's been three weeks. Before next Thursday, please visit the quiz section anonymous feedback form and answer at least some of the following questions:
- What do you find most valuable, if anything, about quiz section?
- What is least valuable about quiz section? What should I change?
- Has the homework been too easy, too hard, or just right? Do you feel that quiz section prepares you adequately for the homework, or not?
- Which of the following would you like me to do more in quiz section, or is the balance good as it is?
- Review of lecture material
- Coverage of novel topics beyond lecture material
- Hands-on exercises
- Think of one comment you think no other student will say.
URL: http://depts.washington.edu/ctlt/catalyst/umail/mail.cgi?user=keunwoo&form=1
Object-oriented programming
The orthodox theory of object oriented programming:
- The world is made of objects. Everything is an object.
- Objects have state ("what they are": data) and behavior ("what they do": procedures).
- Objects can be grouped into classes of similar objects that describe their common properties.
- Classes can be organized in inheritance heirarchies that describe properties of similar classes.
The "purest" object-oriented language (according to Americans) is Smalltalk, which implemented these ideas very directly. Alas, Smalltalk lost the popularity contest with C++, so today we study Java. So how does Java implement these concepts?