CSE 341 -- Spring 2000

Scheme Warmup

Does not need to be turned in! This is just for your own practice and experience.

Each of these programs should be written in a purely functional style, with no side effects.

  1. Write and test a Scheme function to convert centigrade to fahrenheit temperatures.
  2. Write and test a Scheme function to find the maximum of two numbers. (Call it my-max to avoid colliding with the builtin max function.)
  3. Write and test a recursive Scheme function range that takes two arguments: start and stop. It should return the list of integers between start and stop inclusive. Examples:
    (range 1 5)  =>  (1 2 3 4 5)
    (range 0 0)  =>  (0)
    (range 5 4)  =>  ()
    Optional: check for non-numeric arguments.