# [CSE 340](/courses/cse340/23sp/schedule.html) Lab 10 Spring 23 .left-column50[ ## Week 10: SUS Testing Final Section! You made it šš ] .right-column50[  ] --- # HW Timeline - **Final Project** - **Code: Sat 3-Jun** - Testing: Sun 4-Jun - Video & Reflection: Mon 5-Jun --- # Section 10 Objectives - [System Usability Scale testing](#sus-testing) - [Section Exercise](#exercise): SUS testing on sample apps - [Kahoot](#kahoot) - Extra Office Hours! --- # Testing for AS6 - Final Project - Remember to have your testers fill out the [SUS testing Google Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDrauOC0wwslefy_AHNIqxxaWg-kQjhaNhgzij66LLWkkIWQ/viewform) form for your final submission. - This link is also on the Final Project Spec --- name: sus-testing # SUS Testing: Pros and Cons ![:youtube How Useful Is the System Usability Scale (SUS) in UX Projects with Jakob Nielsen ,6b2YFgRCVDE] ??? Pros: - Used for a long time (many decades, many data), is a standard Cons: - SUS testing can be misleadingā¦ testing gathers very elaborate profiles (10 different questions) - The focus is supposed to be on user behavior - Why ask so many questions? The number values can be taken out of context - Better method: Observe user behavior, not just asking them. Just ask people 1 satisfaction question if you want a number - Have people free-form write and say their responses (essays). - WHY is this design boring or unlikeable? - Puts their thoughts into context --- # Reminder: SUS Questions 1. I think that I would like to use this [project] frequently. 2. I found the [project] unnecessarily complex. 3. I thought the [project] was easy to use. 4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this [project]. 5. I found the various functions in this [project] were well integrated. 6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in this [project]. 7. I imagine that most people would learn to use this [project] very quickly. 8. I found the [project] very cumbersome to use. 9. I felt very confident using the [project]. 10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this [project]. --- # System Usability Score Scoring Each question is rated 5-point Likert Scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree Scoring for each question is done based using the following scale: * **Strongly Disagree**: 1 point * **Disagree**: 2 points * **Neutral**: 3 points * **Agree**: 4 points * **Strongly Agree**: 5 points --- # Calculating a System Usability Score 1. Add up the total score for all odd-numbered questions, then subtract 5 from the total to get (X). 2. Add up the total score for all even-numbered questions, then subtract that total from 25 to get (Y). 3. Add up the total score of the new values (X+Y) and multiply by 2.5. Example scoring: Odd = (4+5+3+4+3) = 19 X = 19 ā 5 = 14
Even = (2+1+3+1+1) = 8 Y = 25 ā 8 = 17 SUS Score: (14+17) x 2.5 = 77.5 - Note: The average SUS score is 68 --- name: exercise # Section Exercise: Evaluate Apps with SUS - You will evaluate 1 of 3 sample applications with this [SUS testing form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDrauOC0wwslefy_AHNIqxxaWg-kQjhaNhgzij66LLWkkIWQ/viewform). - Please choose 1 of the following to evaluate (NetID listed on the right): - https://personalizedrefrigerator.github.io/cse340-website-prototype/: hheino - https://js-draw.web.app: davin123 - https://www.accessmap.io/: tdokka - While filling out the form, please indicate the 'App Author' as the above listed UW NetIDs. (This is just for comparing results) --- # Section Exercise: Notes for Henry's Website Specific Tasks: 1. Open āGit 101ā from the āDocumentationā page 2. Go to the last slide in the presentation 3. Find: What page has a quote from Dr. Tom Butler? What were we learning about on 4/25/22? 4. Copy the link to the āPrerequisitesā header on the syllabus - Go to āSite Settingsā - Change the pageās font to serif - Change the pageās theme to light - Change the pageās theme to dark --- # Section Exercise: Notes for js-draw Specific tasks: 1. Start the editor and draw a line. 2. Rotate the line 90 degrees. 3. Change the line's color to green. 4. Change the pen color to red. 5. Zoom out very far. 6. Add the text "test". 7. Circle the text. 8. Edit the text, changing "test" to "Test!". 9. Undo everything. --- # Section Exercise: Compare Results - Calculate your SUS score to share out in class (This [site](https://uiuxtrend.com/sus-calculator/) can help with the calculation) - Compare your SUS score with others who chose the same app. --- name: kahoot # Kahoot! --- # Extra Office Hours - Use this opportunity to seek help from students using similar sensors or app ideas!