# CSE 340 Lab 1: Ed Lessons and Gradescope Spring 23 ## Introduction to course infrastructure --- ## What is Ed Discussion? Edstem is an online class forum for posting questions or announcements. It has a built-in Workspace feature allowing users to interact with a terminal/web preview/etc and has a Lessons section where we post activities, videos, and assignments. ## Why is it relevant to you? You will use Ed Lessons to submit assignments. Note that submissions may take a few minutes to process, so plan your homework submission time accordingly. ![:img screenshot of Ed menu bar. The open book icon is circled in red representing the Ed Lessons page., 70%, width](img/ed-lessons.png) --- ## How to run screenshot tests for Assignments - [Assignment Testing Process Page](/courses/cse340/23sp/docs/tests.html) --- ## Turning in the assignment - Assignments will be submitted via Gradescope - The bottom of each Assigment Spec details what files you can modify and the turn-in process - Please use the Gitlab submission option to submit the assignment on Gradescope. --- ## Resubmission Policy There are NO late days in the class, turn in the assignment on time. However, you will be able to resubmit. Please read this section of the [syllabus](/courses/cse340/23sp/#resubmission-policy) for more details.