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This is the Spring 23 final website.

Lightweight Final Project Design

NOTE: Comments about what should be in your design can be found in italics. You must remove the comments and replace them with your own words. Please leave the sections headers in your document, however.

[Fill in: Your Project Title]

Functional Overview

Briefly describe your project in 1-2 sentences. This should include what the goals of the app are, what the accessibilty issue this app is hoping to solve, and who is the intended audience.

Design Overview

This section is where you should describe how your app will function in greater detail (from Part 1) and must include:

Prioritization of Features

You will likely design a very complicated project which you will not be able to complete in the time allotted. During your design (prototyping) phase, you should design your “pie in the sky project.” This is the point where you will think about the project in relation to your actual schedule. It is vital to break the project down into pieces so you can think carefully about what features to cut or scale back while maintaining a “Minimum Viable Product” (a product that is minimally useful). List the order you want to develop your features in with the most important feature will go on the top of the list, the next most below that, etc. These must be further categorized as

Design Details

This section must contain a Layout Wireframe and an Interactor Hierarchy for each of your activities, screens, and/or fragments for at least the 3-4 screens required for your minimum viable product. It may also be helpful to also think break down your app design into component parts to help you organize your thinking about the structure of this project. For instance, document your inheritance hierarchy (using a UML diagram), or add some pseudocode to this section

Proposed Implementation Schedule

Plan for the development of this app to be completed by the last day of class. Include when you will do any additional learning (if necessary). To create this schedule, the best thing to do is look at your prioritization of features and the due date. Estimate how long you think each feature will take, and each date by which you will get each feature done.

Write down the dates, times, and how long during each session you will work on the project, as well as what you plan to do during these work sessions. Include a total of the number of hours you expect to work on the project in this section. A table, like the one shown below, is a helpful way to organize your schedule.

Date Work time Feature or Task Estimated time to complete

Potential Showstoppers and Open Questions

List any problems you think could come up in your project, as well as an other open questions or concerns you may have about implementing this new app. This section must be present: if you think there will be no show stoppers (haha) or you currently have no questions or concerns, please state so here.