Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?
Do this now: Answer the poll in Ed
Learning goals
Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?
Glucose Buddy
How does this make you feel?
From a company's perspective, it's trying to get your attention Not an altruistic service It's not always the case, but incentives are there. War between companies to get your attention Important to think about how you use notifications if you're doing Mobile app development.
Lauren Bricker
CSE 340 Spring 2022
Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"
Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"
Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.
Which do you think is true?
Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"
Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.
Which do you think is true?
Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"
Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.
Think of technology that pursuades you to do some kind of action.
If you've bought something like a fitbit, you're buying into the idea of something pursuading you to do something.
:54 6 shortcuts
Tip example - How are they doing the study? What are the conditions? What are they measuring? (how much they tip) How do they sample? Are they consenting the participants like we have to do the menus study?
How does this list of shortcuts apply to interface design?
How does this list of shortcuts apply to interface design?
If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
Lord Kelvin
Almost every app that you download collects data about you.
Some apps use sensor based interfaces
Angry birds => Sales
Or we could just use one...
We're carrying this around and letting them collect all this data.
Most of what we get is Data
We have to do more to turn the raw into something useful. Knowledge instead of just data
This might make you slow down...
This might make you slow down...
Unless you're a cyclist...
Danger... you have exceded the speed limit of 80kph. Slow down immediately or face strict disciplinary action
This will be influencing based on the data
Website that had a list of all the APIs that researchers were aware of (at the time) that supported behavior change.
Conference paper: A Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems.
Developed with 68 survey participants, 11 follow-up interviews
Study done at the iSchool Beyond notifications to get users to use an app
Can't assume that everyone is at the action stage.
day | steps | day | steps | day | steps | day | steps | day | steps | day | steps |
Mon | 1573 | Mon | 1209 | Mon | 12344 | Mon | ... | Mon | ... | Mon | ... |
Tue | 4392 | Tue | 1834 | Tue | 1200 | Tue | ... | Tue | ... | Tue | ... |
Wed | 4537 | Wed | 4341 | Wed | 4311 | Wed | ... | Wed | ... | Wed | ... |
Thu | 5842 | Thu | 8300 | Thu | 7348 | Thu | ... | Thu | ... | Thu | ... |
Fri | 10258 | Fri | 10300 | Fri | 9384 | Fri | ... | Fri | ... | Fri | ... |
Sat | 7528 | Sat | 6347 | Sat | 5123 | Sat | ... | Sat | ... | Sat | ... |
Sun | 1367 | Sun | 1231 | Sun | 1430 | Sun | ... | Sun | ... | Sun | ... |
Mon | 1497 | Mon | 1503 | Mon | 1427 | Mon | ... | Mon | ... | Mon | ... |
Tue | 1837 | Tue | 1717 | Tue | 1643 | Tue | ... | Tue | ... | Tue | ... |
Wed | 4537 | Wed | 4341 | Wed | 4311 | Wed | ... | Wed | ... | Wed | ... |
Thu | 5842 | Thu | 8300 | Thu | 7348 | Thu | ... | Thu | ... | Thu | ... |
Fri | 10258 | Fri | 10300 | Fri | 9384 | Fri | ... | Fri | ... | Fri | ... |
Sat | 7528 | Sat | 6347 | Sat | 5123 | Sat | ... | Sat | ... | Sat | ... |
Sun | 1367 | Sun | 1231 | Sun | 1430 | Sun | ... | Sun | ... | Sun | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
bar plot
Days when she's really outside of the mean
The stage when people choose what they are going to do with their new-found understanding of themselves.
How can we support this with technology?
The stage when people choose what they are going to do with their new-found understanding of themselves.
Context-aware computing...
Every stage presents distinct barriers
Failures in one stage cascade through later stages, must design for entire tracking process
This occurs in a larger context of deciding to track, selecting a tool, and eventual lapsing
Epstein, Ping, Fogarty, Munson. A Lived Informatics Model of Personal Informatics. UbiComp 2015.
Fitbit users lapse after a time - they don't charge it. Not incentivised. Have to account for when they're lapsing
Amazon Refuses to Act on Climate Change. So We Employees Are Speaking Out
This will be fun - a design activity!
This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.
This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.
Each group will work on slide that is in our Ed lesson for today. The case study is explained on the next slide AND in the lesson.
This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.
Each group will work on slide that is in our Ed lesson for today. The case study is explained on the next slide AND in the lesson.
In each group
Problem: High Carbon Dioxide emissions from U.S. households from personal transportation (single use vehicles).
Goal: To create an app that will encourage users to change their behavior with respect to using their cars.
Problem: High Carbon Dioxide emissions from U.S. households from personal transportation (single use vehicles).
Goal: To create an app that will encourage users to change their behavior with respect to using their cars.
This was last done in 2006-9... the app needs updating...
based on a CHI 2009 paper by J. Froehlich, T. Dillahunt, P. Klasnja, J. Mankoff, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, J. A. Landay
Your task:
Sensed Transportation Behavior
Ever-present Feedback
Two formative studies
Three week field deployment
based on a CHI 2009 paper by J. Froehlich, T. Dillahunt, P. Klasnja, J. Mankoff, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, J. A. Landay
Smartest phone at the time (2006)
2 cities; 14 participants
Obtain preliminary feedback on prototype
Engagement It's omnipresent
Behavior Change:
“It really encourages you to analyze your own performance”
Apply it to ubigreen
The next few slides are an aside on other ways for CS to engage with sustainability
Impact: Direct ways of reducing carbon emissions
Solutions: Indirect ways of reducing carbon emissions
Socolow & Pacala; A. Gore, Earth in the Balance
* ICT = Information and communications technology
Measure waste and impact
Monitor, Model & Inform governments as well as individuals
Encourage environmentality
Relevance across sectors and cultures (residential: (renters, owners, etc), business, ...)
Goal: Scale up to governments, nations or more
Why a digression on sustainability in a behavior change lecture?
That's all there is to fix it, we need the will power at a society level
Of course there's other applications of behavior change as well :) Health is a big one!
Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?
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