+ - 0:00:00
Notes for current slide
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Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?

  • Toast - appears within an app only
  • Email? Easy or hard to ignore What do you prefer? Which are more interruptive? Urge to clear the red dots on the screen? They effect your brain the seritonin in your rain (red dots in particular)

Today's Agenda

Do this now: Answer the poll in Ed


  • Undo out, due Fri 20-May, 10pm

Learning goals

  • Define pursuasion, coersion
  • Discuss the role of mobile devices on behavior change
  • Design a mobile app to encourage users to change their car usage
Slide 1 of 49


Picture of phone screen with red dots

Picture from itstimetologoff.com

Slide 2 of 49

Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?

  • Toast - appears within an app only
  • Email? Easy or hard to ignore What do you prefer? Which are more interruptive? Urge to clear the red dots on the screen? They effect your brain the seritonin in your rain (red dots in particular)

Recent Examples

Glucose Buddy

Old glucose buddy app icon with no red dot New glucose buddy app icon with red plus dot


Facebook interface with pink like buttons

Slide 3 of 49

Recent Examples


Ed lesson with two of four items checked

How does this make you feel?

Slide 4 of 49

From a company's perspective, it's trying to get your attention Not an altruistic service It's not always the case, but incentives are there. War between companies to get your attention Important to think about how you use notifications if you're doing Mobile app development.

Using Mobile Phones to Persuade

Lauren Bricker

CSE 340 Spring 2022

Picture of violinist in office with boy and principal with caption; I've hired this musician to play a sad melody while I give you a sob story about why I didn't do my homework. It's actually quite effective

Slide 6 of 49

What does it take to persuade you?

Slide 7 of 49

Technology for persuasion

Big person leaning on small person

Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"

Slide 8 of 49

Technology for persuasion

Big person leaning on small person

Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"

Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.

Slide 8 of 49

Technology for persuasion

Which do you think is true?

  • Persuasive is the same as Coercive
  • Persuasive is better than Coercive
  • Persuasive is worse than Coercive
  • Persuasive is not the same (but not better or worse) than Coercive

Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"

Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.

Slide 9 of 49

Technology for persuasion

Which do you think is true?

  • Persuasive is the same as Coercive
  • Persuasive is better than Coercive
  • Persuasive is worse than Coercive
  • Persuasive is not the same (but not better or worse) than Coercive

Coercive : negative connotations, patronizing, paternalistic, "we know what’s best for you and you will do it!"

Persuasive : convincing you to change your behavior.

Think of technology that pursuades you to do some kind of action.

Slide 9 of 49

If you've bought something like a fitbit, you're buying into the idea of something pursuading you to do something.

What does it take to persuade you?

Slide 10 of 49

What does it take to persuade you?

  • Is this coercive or not coercive?
Slide 10 of 49

What does it take to persuade you?

  • Is this coercive or not coercive?
  • What kind of pursuasion is being applied here.
Slide 10 of 49

What does it take to persuade you?

:54 6 shortcuts

Slide 11 of 49

Tip example - How are they doing the study? What are the conditions? What are they measuring? (how much they tip) How do they sample? Are they consenting the participants like we have to do the menus study?

What does it take to persuade you?

How does this list of shortcuts apply to interface design?

  • reciprocity
  • scarcity
  • authority
  • consistency
  • liking
  • consensus
Slide 12 of 49

What does it take to persuade you?

How does this list of shortcuts apply to interface design?

  • reciprocity
  • scarcity
  • authority
  • consistency
  • liking
  • consensus


  • can we get people to keep using your product
  • can we get people to get other people to use your product
Slide 12 of 49

What’s needed to support positive behavior change?

If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.

Lord Kelvin

Slide 13 of 49

Ties to Sensing and Security

Almost every app that you download collects data about you.

  • Most of the data they're collecting is through third party libraries.
  • Data collected through seemingly benign apps.
    • Example: Angry birds collects location data, why?

Some apps use sensor based interfaces

  • what can we do with sensor data?
Slide 14 of 49

Angry birds => Sales

Data Collection Options

Data collection Devices (fitbits; watches; etc)

Slide 15 of 49

Data Collection Options

Or we could just use one...

Samsung Phone

Slide 16 of 49

We're carrying this around and letting them collect all this data.

Making Data Actionable


Speedometor with dial at 110mph

Slide 17 of 49

Where is the value?


Most of what we get is Data

many graphs

Slide 18 of 49

We have to do more to turn the raw into something useful. Knowledge instead of just data

Making Data Actionable


This might make you slow down...
Sign comparing speed (29mph) to speed limit (25mp)

Slide 19 of 49

Making Data Actionable


This might make you slow down...
Sign comparing speed (29mph) to speed limit (25mp)
Unless you're a cyclist...
If you're a cyclist you want to go that fast

Slide 19 of 49

Making Data Actionable

Decision Making

out of focus sign due to speeding

Danger... you have exceded the speed limit of 80kph. Slow down immediately or face strict disciplinary action

Meru speed alarms in cabs

Slide 20 of 49

This will be influencing based on the data

Making Data Actionable

Translating data into behavior change

Personal Informatics apps

Website that had a list of all the APIs that researchers were aware of (at the time) that supported behavior change.

Slide 21 of 49

Making Data Actionable

Translating data into behavior change

Conference paper: A Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems.

five part model of personal informatics with stages
preparation; collection; integration; reflection; action

Developed with 68 survey participants, 11 follow-up interviews

Li, Dey, Forlizzi. CHI 2010.
Slide 22 of 49

Study done at the iSchool Beyond notifications to get users to use an app

Can't assume that everyone is at the action stage.


person waving


  • Wanted to become active
  • Decided to track their physical activity
  • Chose to track step counts using a pedometer


Slide 23 of 49


day steps day steps day steps day steps day steps day steps
Mon 1573 Mon 1209 Mon 12344 Mon ... Mon ... Mon ...
Tue 4392 Tue 1834 Tue 1200 Tue ... Tue ... Tue ...
Wed 4537 Wed 4341 Wed 4311 Wed ... Wed ... Wed ...
Thu 5842 Thu 8300 Thu 7348 Thu ... Thu ... Thu ...
Fri 10258 Fri 10300 Fri 9384 Fri ... Fri ... Fri ...
Sat 7528 Sat 6347 Sat 5123 Sat ... Sat ... Sat ...
Sun 1367 Sun 1231 Sun 1430 Sun ... Sun ... Sun ...
Mon 1497 Mon 1503 Mon 1427 Mon ... Mon ... Mon ...
Tue 1837 Tue 1717 Tue 1643 Tue ... Tue ... Tue ...
Wed 4537 Wed 4341 Wed 4311 Wed ... Wed ... Wed ...
Thu 5842 Thu 8300 Thu 7348 Thu ... Thu ... Thu ...
Fri 10258 Fri 10300 Fri 9384 Fri ... Fri ... Fri ...
Sat 7528 Sat 6347 Sat 5123 Sat ... Sat ... Sat ...
Sun 1367 Sun 1231 Sun 1430 Sun ... Sun ... Sun ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Slide 24 of 49


person waving

chart of steps


Slide 25 of 49

bar plot


person waving

chart of steps


Slide 26 of 49

Days when she's really outside of the mean


person moving

The stage when people choose what they are going to do with their new-found understanding of themselves.


Slide 27 of 49

How can we support this with technology?


person moving

The stage when people choose what they are going to do with their new-found understanding of themselves.


  • Alerts
  • Incentives
  • Suggestions
Slide 27 of 49

Context-aware computing...

self tracking in context

Why Behavior Change is Difficult

Every stage presents distinct barriers

Failures in one stage cascade through later stages, must design for entire tracking process

This occurs in a larger context of deciding to track, selecting a tool, and eventual lapsing

Epstein, Ping, Fogarty, Munson. A Lived Informatics Model of Personal Informatics. UbiComp 2015.

Slide 28 of 49

Fitbit users lapse after a time - they don't charge it. Not incentivised. Have to account for when they're lapsing

Process of Change

Trans-theoretical change model

Slide 29 of 49

Process of Change

Trans-theoretical change model

  • Using the same plan for every individual who wishes to change a behavior will not work
  • Timing is important in the process of willful change
Slide 29 of 49

Case Study:
Energy Use

drawing of a phone with a planet

Slide 30 of 49

What is the responsibility of technologists to address climate change?

Picture of unhappy amazon boxes

Amazon Refuses to Act on Climate Change. So We Employees Are Speaking Out

Slide 31 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

This will be fun - a design activity!

Slide 32 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.

Slide 32 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.

Each group will work on slide that is in our Ed lesson for today. The case study is explained on the next slide AND in the lesson.

Slide 32 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

This will be fun - a design activity! Honest.

Each group will work on slide that is in our Ed lesson for today. The case study is explained on the next slide AND in the lesson.

In each group

  • One person should be the note taker
  • One person should be elected to share out when the time comes.
Slide 33 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

Problem: High Carbon Dioxide emissions from U.S. households from personal transportation (single use vehicles).

Goal: To create an app that will encourage users to change their behavior with respect to using their cars.

Slide 34 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

Problem: High Carbon Dioxide emissions from U.S. households from personal transportation (single use vehicles).

Goal: To create an app that will encourage users to change their behavior with respect to using their cars.

This was last done in 2006-9... the app needs updating...

based on a CHI 2009 paper by J. Froehlich, T. Dillahunt, P. Klasnja, J. Mankoff, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, J. A. Landay

Slide 35 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - In Class activity

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

Your task:

  • Design an app that will
    • Use sensing data to determine a user's behavior (what type of data would you need?)
    • Persuade (or coerce?) users of your app to change their behavior
  • Design a user study that will determine if your app is successful.
    • What is your hypothesis?
    • What is your method? What conditions might you have for your experiment?
    • What might you measure?
    • What data would you collect?
    • How would you collect the data?
    • How would you prove your theories?
Slide 36 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

Sensed Transportation Behavior

Ever-present Feedback

Two formative studies

  • Online survey
  • In situ experience sampling method (ESM) study

Three week field deployment

based on a CHI 2009 paper by J. Froehlich, T. Dillahunt, P. Klasnja, J. Mankoff, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, J. A. Landay

Slide 37 of 49

Smartest phone at the time (2006)

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

Slide 38 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

Slide 39 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

Slide 40 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the screen

2 cities; 14 participants

Obtain preliminary feedback on prototype

  • Engagement
  • Potential for social use
  • Potential for changing behavior
Slide 41 of 49

Case Study: UbiGreen - actual research

Picture of a mobile phone with a car and a tree on the sceren

Engagement It's omnipresent

Behavior Change:

“It really encourages you to analyze your own performance”

Slide 42 of 49


Personal Informatics

five part model of personal informatics with stages
preparation; collection; integration; reflection; action

Slide 43 of 49

Apply it to ubigreen

End of Lecture Content

The next few slides are an aside on other ways for CS to engage with sustainability

Slide 44 of 49

CS and sustainability

Impact: Direct ways of reducing carbon emissions

  • Efficiency (new technologies, new patterns of use, better buildings, etc.)
  • Carbon capture & storage
  • Alternate sources of energy
  • Carbon sinks (e.g. reforestation)
  • Better energy grid

Solutions: Indirect ways of reducing carbon emissions

  • Population control
  • Economic controls (e.g., taxes)
  • Cross-cultural solutions (culturally-relevant technologies)
  • Education
  • Governmental buy in (Local laws, world treaties, etc)
  • Advancing science

Socolow & Pacala; A. Gore, Earth in the Balance

Slide 45 of 49

Checklist for Nobile ICT* Impact

* ICT = Information and communications technology

Measure waste and impact

Monitor, Model & Inform governments as well as individuals

Slide 46 of 49

Nest Leafs and monthly report showing 30 percent savings

Checklist for mobile ICT impact

Encourage environmentality

some computer science issues in creating a sustainable world
Slide 47 of 49


Checklist for mobile ICT impact

Relevance across sectors and cultures (residential: (renters, owners, etc), business, ...)

Goal: Scale up to governments, nations or more

Slide 48 of 49

Why a digression on sustainability in a behavior change lecture?

five part model of personal informatics with stages
preparation; collection; integration; reflection; action

Slide 49 of 49

That's all there is to fix it, we need the will power at a society level

Of course there's other applications of behavior change as well :) Health is a big one!


Picture of phone screen with red dots

Picture from itstimetologoff.com

Slide 2 of 49

Multiple kinds of notifications on your phone. Here's the red dot with the number of messages on it. What other kinds are there?

  • Toast - appears within an app only
  • Email? Easy or hard to ignore What do you prefer? Which are more interruptive? Urge to clear the red dots on the screen? They effect your brain the seritonin in your rain (red dots in particular)


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