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CSE 340 Lab 1: Ed Lessons and Gitlab Spring 2022

Introduction to course infrastructure

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What is Ed Discussion?

Edstem is an online class forum for posting questions or announcements. It has a built-in Workspace feature allowing users to interact with a terminal/web preview/etc and has a Lessons section where we post activities, videos, and assignments.

Why is it relevant to you?

You will use Ed Lessons to submit assignments. Note that submissions may take a few minutes to process, so plan your homework submission time accordingly.

screenshot of Ed menu bar. The open book icon is circled in red representing the Ed Lessons page.

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What are we doing today?

We're going to clone the first assignment (as1-doodle) via Gitlab.

Start by navigating to https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse340-22wi-students. You will need to login with your CSE GitLab credentials.

  • Note: Please regularly push your code to Gitlab even though you are submitting the final project on Ed Lessons. This helps avoid contact during in-person office hours and makes it easier for all TAs to review your code.
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Turning in the assignment

  • Navigate to https://edstem.org/us/courses/16206/lessons/26142/slides/152253 to see the Doodle Submission on Edstem.
  • Please create a zip file containing all of your code, then drag the file into the Edstem workspace on the Doodle Submission page.
  • Remember to click "Mark" at the bottom right of the page to submit.

screenshot of Ed stem showing an empty workspace. At the bottom right are two buttons labeled 'Check' and 'Mark'. The mark button is circled in red.

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Turning in the assignment

  • Lastly, make sure your submission passes the “Screenshots” test!
  • Click the “Download” button that's to the right of “Screenshots” to compare your output to what's expected.

screenshot showing how to verify submitted screenshots. The 'Download' button under the 'Screenshots' test is circled in red.

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Turn in format

In order to mark, all Android files must be at the root level (contains your 'app' folder and gradle files). screenshot of Android Studio file explorer window. It shows an 'app' folder containing the 
subfolders named 'manifests'

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Turn in format

You should zip up your file on Gitlab after pushing the latest code to your Gitlab repository. Do not use Android Studio to zip as the Export to Zip File does not include the build files. screenshot of Gitlab repository web interface showing the download menu opened. The zip option is highlighted.

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Resubmission Policy

There are NO late days in the class, turn in the assignment on time. However, you will be able to resubmit. Please read this section of the syllabus for more details.

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Section 1 Exercise

  • Each section we will have some type of exercise for you to complete within 24 hours. Completing these exercises will go towards your participation grade.

  • Section 1 Exercise: Submit a screenshot of your Android Studio with your cloned Doodle project opened.

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What is Ed Discussion?

Edstem is an online class forum for posting questions or announcements. It has a built-in Workspace feature allowing users to interact with a terminal/web preview/etc and has a Lessons section where we post activities, videos, and assignments.

Why is it relevant to you?

You will use Ed Lessons to submit assignments. Note that submissions may take a few minutes to process, so plan your homework submission time accordingly.

screenshot of Ed menu bar. The open book icon is circled in red representing the Ed Lessons page.

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