name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Introduction to Interaction Programming Welcome to CSE 340 Spring 2021 Instructor: Lauren Bricker
TAs: Taylor Gotfrid, Jesse Martinez, Jasper Palmer, Zeynep Toprakbasti, Jay Lin
--- layout: false # Agenda - **Administrivia** - Intro for 143 students: Java & Android/Git (Thursday 7pm) - Learning goals - Introductions - Syllabus - Getting Started with Android --- # Agenda - Administrivia - **Learning goals** - Introductions - Syllabus - Getting Started with Android --- .left-column[ ## Course Learning goals: ] .right-column[ # Building Interfaces - How do I draw things on the screen? How do I control what is shown to the user? - How do I set up an interface so that it looks the way I want and reacts properly to changes in orientation and size? How do I implement a layout, supporting reactivity and so on? - How do I handle input from the user, both at the application level and within a specific interactor? - How do I build an application that meets basic standards that requiry programmatic support for accessibility, security, and interactivity? ] --- .left-column[ ## Course Learning goals: ] .right-column[ # Communicating about app concerns - How do I read, understand, and apply documentation and specifications? - How do I examine an application and identify violations of ethics in the domains of behavior change, machine learning, inclusion/accessibility and/or security? How do I find and describe accessibility/security problems? - How do I study an interface? How do I properly consent participants, accurately describe the study process, and clearly describe the results of the study, using charts correctly to illustrate them and to draw valid conclusions consistent with my data? ] --- # Agenda - Administrivia - Learning goals - **Introductions** - Syllabus - Getting Started with Android --- ## Lauren Bricker .left-column40[ Pronouns: she/her OH:
Mon/Wed 11:30 am - 12:30 pm  ] .right-column60[ - I am a UW CSE PhD Alum (HCI Research) - Assistant Teaching Professor (4th year) in the Allen school - I teach support courses (STARS, Startup), CSE 154 & CSE 340 - I also helped develop CSE 390Z and do K-12 outreach - My older son is a CSE Alum, younger son is a senior Husky in Chem E. My partner works for CSE Support & has 2 kids. - I'm an intermediate drummer, and artist and a maker who loves bicycle and begrudgingly runs - Advice: Ask questions! (see [Wait, what?]( ] --- ## Jesse Martinez .left-column50[ OH: Tues 2-3pm, Wed 3:30-4:30pm
Pronouns: he/him
- 2nd year PhD student in CSE - I research video games & accessibility - I'm also a computational artist (I made the art I'm sitting in front of), a transmedia game designer, semi-professional puzzle designer, and tabletop gaming enthusiast! - Advice: We all want you to succeed! So don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. ] .right-column50[  ] --- ## Taylor Gotfrid .left-column50[ OH: Tues 10-11am, Wed 11:30-12:30pm
Pronouns: she/her
- 2nd year PhD student in CSE - I love tea - I have two cats (Indie and Ashe) who you may see during lecture or office hours. - Advice: Don't wait until the last minute to start the assignments ] .right-column50[  ] --- # Jasper Palmer .left-column50[  Pronouns: He/Him Office Hours:
Thu & Fri 11:30-12:30 Junior at the University of Washington - Seattle ] .right-column50[ Enjoys: - Ultimate Frisbee - Playing Overcooked 1 & 2 Tips for 340: - Explore Android Studio (it will make your life easier) - Come to office hours! ] --- # Zeynep Toprakbasti .left-column50[
Pronouns: She/Her OH: Mondays 12:30-1:30 & Fridays 1:30-2:30pm - 2nd year at the Allen School! - I enjoy art and photography - Like to make movies and little animations - Advice: Take risks and be creative with design choices! ] .right-column50[ .grid[     ] ] --- # Jay Lin OH: Wednesdays and Saturdays @ 2:30-3:30pm - 3rd Yr: CSSE @Bothell, Disability Studies @Seattle 📚 - Used to be in drumline and orchestra, very much a music person 🥁 - **Advice for CSE340**: Don't hoard Late Days (no extra credit for them) 🥲 .grid[   ] --- # Technology Norms .left-column60[  ] .right-column40[ - **Mute** yourself in a large group - Have a question? Raise your hand or type it in the chat. - Be present, limit other distractions - Turn your video on in breakout rooms (if able)
] --- #
Reality .left-column60[  ] .right-column40[ We are not going to ask you to turn on your video in the "main room" ] --- # Let's get to know you!
--- # Your Expectations of this Class Let's try a Google [Jamboard]( --- # Breakout rooms In groups of 3... Meet your neighbors (remember to turn on your video). - Name/pronouns - Year at UW - Where in the world are you currently? - What is something you're excited about for Spring quarter? --- # Agenda - Administrivia - Learning goals - Course staff - **Syllabus** - Getting Started with Android --- # Where to find what The class is on the [web](/courses/cse340/21sp/index), but we have used iframes to connect this to [Canvas]( We try to interlink everything as much as possible. - Class discussions and all contact with instructors should happen either in office hours or through [Ed]( - You can also request appointments for further help - Assignments will be accepted and turned in [GitGrade]( - GitGrade will make you a [gitlab]( repo which you will use to receive starter code and commit your changes. - If you are having trouble running Android Studio on your own machine, you can remotely access virtual lab machines which can run both Android Studio and the emulator. [Instructions here]( --- # Aside: Accessibility in this course - Our goal is to make this course inclusive and accessible. - If you use a screen reader, or just want to see it there is a link to the slide markdown for every slide (demo) - There are live (but automated captions) on every slide deck. - The answers to slides can be viewed by pressing P. ??? Answers? we don't need to stinkin' answers! --- # Pre-work check
--- # Syllabus - You will be doing a [Syllabus](/courses/cse340/21sp/) Scavenger Hunt as part of Practice Quiz 0 - We'll cover the rest on Wednesday