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CSE 340 Lab 7 Spring 2021

Week 7: UX theory review, Menus

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  • Color picker due tonight at 10:00pm!
    • As usual: Code and Reflection locks this Saturday @10pm
  • Menus Part 1-4 due: Next Thursday, May 20th @ 10:00pm

    • Lock: Saturday, May 22 @ 10:00pm (if you are using late days)
  • Remember to turn in the assignment once for 1-4 (the code) and then for parts 5-6 (testing and report)

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Section 7 Objectives

  • Review of lecture content: Interaction Theory
    • Design Laws (optional)
  • Menus assignment
    • TrialListener
  • Thank you for filling out the mid-quarter section feedback form!
    • Answers to some anonymous questions
  • Q&A
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Lecture Content Review: Interaction Theory

Fitts Law explains how the… (Please choose one)

  • A: Time it takes for user to make a decision based on # of choices.

  • B: Time the user spends moving to the target depends on the ratio of distance to and width of target.

  • C: Non-dominant hand performs imprecise movements.

  • D: Time the user spends moving a mouse cursor through a bounded tunnel (menu/scroll bar/slider) depends on the tunnel's size.

  • E: Time spent exercising leads you to becoming Fitts

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Lecture Content Review: Interaction Theory

Fitts Law explains how the… (Please choose one)

  • B: Time the user spends moving to the target depends on the ratio of distance to and width of target.

  • Longer duration (time) = Longer distance + Smaller target size

  • MT=a+blog2(DistSize+1)
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The other answers

  • A: Time it takes for user to make a decision based on # of choices.

    • Hick's Law
  • C: Non-dominant hand performs imprecise movements.

    • Guiard's (GEE - YARD) model of bimanual control
  • D: Time the user spends moving a mouse cursor through a bounded tunnel (menu/scroll bar/slider) depends on the tunnel's size.

    • Steering Law
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"Gestalt Principles" in Design Theory

German for "form/shape": Gestalt Principles describe how human cognition influences the way designs are perceived

  • Proximity: objects close in proximity assumed to be part of the same entity

  • Similarity: elements can be grouped together via color/shape/size/font 3 by 3 grid of circles

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Gestalt continued

  • Continuation: eye is naturally guided from 1 object to another

  • Closure: people see shapes/letters as part of a whole even when they look incomplete

    • ex: a loading bar with a not completely filled status
  • Figure/Ground: human ability to visually separate elements on different planes of focus Two user interface windows lying on top of each other

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Miller's Law

  • Humans can only memorize so much in short term memory!

  • "Chunking"

    • 5 ~ 9 = average # of perceptual "chunks" humans can hold in working memory
    • Thus: always organize information on an interface in <= 9 categories
  • Source: https://lawsofux.com/laws/millers-law/

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More UX Laws (optional to look at)

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  • Design a custom menu and explain why it is good for Fitts Law or why it's bad!
  • Everyone can see each other's design--be creative with your menus!
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AS5 Menus

  • Please read over the spec
  • Make your own consent form (we give you a template at the top of the page)
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TrialListener in Menus

  • (Do NOT edit this file, just look) AbstractMenuExperimentView.java

    • listener methods
    • keeps track of a listener (mTrialListener)
  • ExperimentActivity

    • Register a TrialListener with the menu for the current trial (mMenuView) in showMenuForTrial()
  • MenuExperimentView

    • call [trial listener].onTrialCompleted([get your trial]) in endTrialRecording
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Feedback Survey: Answering some anon questions

  • "We need more code examples, and we don't know where to start!"
    • The TODOs are hints provided in addition to the spec and you don't have to code beyond these
    • Come to OH if you are stuck on syntax issues!
    • TAs are working on adding more hints to the Menus code
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Feedback Survey

  • How and where do we declare listeners?
    • An event listener is an interface in the View class containing a callback method. Simply put, the method is called when a user interaction is triggered with the specified view.
    • The code and location of event listeners will differ on different projects
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Feedback Survey

  • How and where do we declare listeners?
    • For Colorpicker, notice how the listener is already coded for you in MainActivity! You just have to register it by adding the listener to the view in the pseudocode form: viewname.addmethodforlistener(updatemethod(color))
    • After a listener is registered, inside the class of each view's onTouchEvent(), you must invoke the listeners so that the changes to the view are triggered after a user has interacted with the view.
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Feedback Survey

Clarification on Bundles

  • Bundles are another method of storing data within your application. They are different from variables and storage files because they are handled at the Activity level. They primarily function as a method to store information that can be passed between activities. For this course, we primarily use Bundles as a method for storing and restoring some of the data that is present when an activity is stopped.
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Feedback Survey

Reflection question about state machine for myColorPickerView:

  • You can have the same state machine as the one we have on the spec, but explain WHY it works that way.
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Any last minute questions from Color Picker?

  • For your convenience: quick link to lecture slides on implementing state machines in AS4 or AS5
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Work time on Menus

MenuExperimentViewonTouchEvent()startSelection()endSelection()updateModel()onDraw()AbstractMenuExperimentViewAbstractMainActivityExperimentActivityTestActivityPieMenuViewNormalMenuViewCustomMenuViewSyntax error in graphmermaid version 8.8.2
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  • Color picker due tonight at 10:00pm!
    • As usual: Code and Reflection locks this Saturday @10pm
  • Menus Part 1-4 due: Next Thursday, May 20th @ 10:00pm

    • Lock: Saturday, May 22 @ 10:00pm (if you are using late days)
  • Remember to turn in the assignment once for 1-4 (the code) and then for parts 5-6 (testing and report)

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