# CSE 340 Lab 4 Spring 2021 ## Week 4: Accessibility .title-slide-logo[  ] --- # Assignment Timeline - Layout part 3-5 due: Today, April 22nd @ 10:00pm - Lock: Saturday, April 24th @ 10:00pm (If you are using late days) - No peer evaluation for this assignment - Accessibility assignment out: Yesterday, April 21st - due: Next Thursday, April 29th --- # Section 4 Objectives - Get ready for Accessibity Assignment - What is Alt Text? - Accesibity in designing technology - Discussion: What does inclusion mean to you? - Fun Exercise - HW Q&A --- # Get ready for Accessibity Assignment - Please read the [spec](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse340/21wi/assignments/accessibility.html) - Install Accessibility Scanner on Emulator (through Google Play) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.accessibility.auditor&hl=en_US - Settings > Accessiblity > Turn TalkBack and Scanner on --- # Alt Text - What is alt text, and why is it important? - Adding Accessibility Features to Apps for Blind and Visually-Impaired Users: https://youtu.be/1by5J7c5Vz4 - Introduction to Alternative Text: https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/#intro --- .title-slide-logo[  ] --- ## Bad alt text: - This picture of flowers was taken at the Chihuly Glass Gardens ## Better alt text: - Purple flowers with a fuzzy center surrounded by green leaves --- # Who can alt text help? - Not only visually impaired individuals! --- # Are the captions we used in the lectures enough? - Why? --- .left-column-half[ # ASL Gloves - Why are technologies like this harmful? - You could build bias into technology if you are not careful ] .right-column-half[  ] --- # What does inclusion mean to you? --- # Exercise with Accessibility Scanner - Install the scanner via Google Play - Open up or download your favorite app and utilize the scanner on 1 screen - What do you see? --- # Section Exercise - Answer examples 1-9 on https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/#intro - Submit answers to Ed