# CSE 340 Lab 1: GitGrade Spring 2021 ## Introduction to course infastructure  --- ## What is GitGrade? GitGrade is the software we use to manage and grade programming assignments. ## Why is it relevant to you? Because you will use GitGrade to `accept` the assignment, in order to generate a GitLab repository with starter code. You will also `turn-in` the assignment using GitGrade by registering a commit as your submission. --- ## What are we doing with it today? We're going to `accept` the first assignment (`as1-doodle`) and clone the generated repository. Start by navigating to [https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/assignment/147](https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/assignment/147). This link is available on the course website, on the `Doodle` assignment page. You will need to login with your CSE GitLab credentials. --- ## Accepting the assignment Accept the assignment, and navigate to the generated GitLab repository of the name `cse340-21sp-students/as1-doodle-NETID`  --- ## Turning in the assignment - Through GitGrade, link on the Doodle page on the course website (accept link + `/turnin`) - Recommended to visit the turnin page ahead of time to read the **nuances and details** - Late Day Policy: 3 late days, no partial usage. Applied whenever something is turned in late until you run out. - If something is late, and you have no late days: `score -= (10% * unexcused days late)` --- # Section 1 Exercise - Each section we will have some type of exercise for you to complete within 24 hours. Completing these exercises will go towards your participation grade. - Section 1 Exercise: Submit a screenshot of your Android Studio with your Doodle project uploaded from GitGrade to the Ed Lessons.