name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse- --- # Intro to 3D printing and Physical Computing Jennifer Mankoff, CSE 340 Winter 2020 --- layout:false [//]: # (Outline Slide) .title[Today's goals] .body[ - Discuss different types of 3D models - Talk about how 3D printing works - Talk about how 3D models are converted into low level g-code ] --- # Magic arms Video ![:youtube Video of child using a 3D printed hand, WoZ2BgPVtA0] --- # What is 3D printing? ![:youtube Time lapse video explaining 3D printing, m_QhY1aABsE] --- # More reasons to learn about it! 3d Printed car ![:youtube Video of car being 3D printed, daioWlkH7ZI] --- # Many other successes [3D Printed Medical Device Saves Baby's Life]( [Prosthetic hand]( (up to ~2:10) [Lots of examples quickly]( [3D printers print ten houses in 24 hours]( [Printed body parts]( [Printed organs]( [3D printed pizza]( [3D printed chocolate]( [3D printed candy]( [3D printed fashion]( [3D Printing a Garden Sprinkler]( --- # What do new fabrication technologies provide? New ways to create - Faster, easier, sometimes better New ways to customize - Faster iteration - Mass customization New materials New shapes --- # What new fabrication technologies are not Not the startrek replicator Not as fast as the best manufacturing solutions for bulk manufacturing Not as fast as your 2d printer Often expensive Material range is limited --- # Printing Steps
graph LR A(3D Modeling,
e.g. OpenSCAD) -->|Prepare for printing| B(Geometry
file) B -->|Slice| D(Printer instructions
G-code file) D -->|Printer Controller| E(Printed Object) class A,B,D blue class E green
Can find lots of stuff on repositories, like [Thingiverse]( --- # Printing: Beyond plastic    --- # What else to embed? .left-column-half[   ] .right-column-half[ ![:youtube Examples of embedded fabric, 9xqze9csLmY] ] ??? - String or wire (like a tendon) --- # What else to print?    --- # What not to print Food handling articles Safety critical strong things High heat tolerance things Things for chemically harsh environments --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[ [Etch a Sketch!]( ![:youtube Mobile phone case to use the phone like an etch a sketch, dcaErURbyIA] ] -- .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting! - Works by combining condutive plastic with custom interactor - Looks like touch input to the software - Gears control motion options mechanically ] --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[ [Phone trigger buttons]( ![:youtube Game playing hardware --trigger buttons--,X_C1Qxjg2WI] ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting! - Similar approach, also conductive ] --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[ XiaoyiZhang, TracyTran, YuqianSun, IanCulhane, ShobhitJain, JamesFogarty, JenniferMankoff: [Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility]( ASSETS 2018  ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting! - Silicon & sewn conductive thread - Nuts and bolts ] --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[ Acoustruments ![:youtube Printed objects whose use can be sensed, C2d1pB1qlvA] ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting! - Leverages the phone's microphone - Uses flexible plastic with holes - Requires machine learning ] --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[ Tactile map for the blind  ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting! Phone as embedded computer - Better solution because reprinting a map is faster than making a whole new portable map for each region - Similar to new interaction techniques, uses conductive plastic ] --- # Use your phone to control general hardware [IOIO]( / [IOIO wiki](  --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column-half[  Many similar options -- e.g. [Ph Meter](; [Sensing sweat make-up](; [Nanosensing by Nasa]( [more examples]( ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting Phone as embedded computer New ways of sensing - [Biotoxicity sensing]( - Dark box - Phone case ] ??? By clicking the “start” button (b) the application runs and several tabs can be selected (c). The “Procedure” box (d) provide to the user the instructions to perform the assay, then the Begin button allow to proceed to the “Checklist” box (e) where preset timers guide the user through the correct incubation times before BL image acquisition. The instructions can be also eluded by selecting “Test sample” in the home page, which jumps the user directly to the checklist. At the end of the countdown the smartphone camera is activated and the user can simply touch the “Acquire” button to capture the BL image of both the test and control wells. (f) The acquired images are rapidly analyzed on the smartphone and the sample toxicity result is displayed as “Cell viability” value and a warning message (Safe, Harmful, Highly toxic). BL image and results can be also saved for downstream application (i.e. sending results to a central laboratory). --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column50[ [Phone for potentiostatic control](  ] .right-column50[ New ways of interacting Phone as embedded computer New ways of sensing - exploits ability to play sounds - serves basic functions of a potentiostat in controlling an applied potential to oxidise ECL-active molecules - resultant photonic signal is monitored using the camera in video mode. - combined with paper microfluidic sensors ] ??? The audio jack supplies the potential to the paper microfluidic sensor, while the resultant emission is detected by the camera in video mode. Both the excitation and detection processes are controlled by a software application which can also transmit the results via e-mail. The black plastic sleeve surrounding the top of the phone holds the sensor adjacent to the camera and blocks ambient light. --- # How does printing enhance a mobile phone? .left-column50[ Printed Analytics ![:youtube Printed objects whose use can be sensed, W1V2AgDbgTQ] ] .right-column-half[ New ways of interacting Phone as embedded computer New ways of sensing - uses backscatter technology - works in range of a modified wireless router ] --- # Summary: What does physical computing offer us? .left-column-half[ New ways to interact - capacitive sensing facilitate by conductive plastic/thread - microphone + machine learning New ways to sense information - fluid properties - audio - backscatter ] .right-column-half[ New ways to combine devices (e.g. through bluetooth sensing of physical hardware) Benefits: - modify a device beyond what the manufacturer expected - apid prototyping of novel solutions ] -- # END OF DECK --- # Moon House Video ![:youtube Video of a robot 3d printing a round house, 8zt_3Gs1ksg] --- # Accessible Game Control ![:youtube Xbox adaptive controller intro, 9fcK19CAjWM]