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This is the CSE340-W20 final website.


We have had to update the planned assessment structure for the class due to COVID-19. We’ve made changes to the Undo assignment and the weighting of class participation up until this point. In both cases, things that were changed are marked as crossed out if they have been replaced.

Assignment stub code is posted on gitlab. Our bug tracking system is gitlab issues but you should post anything for discussion on the class Piazza Please note that assignment and solution code should not be shared, or posted on public github repositories.

Assignment out due lock Peer Eval Reflection
Doodle 8-Jan 16-Jan 18-Jan 19-Jan – 21-Jan 22-Jan
Layout parts 1-2 17-Jan 22-Jan 24-Jan NA  
Layout part 3-4 na 31-Jan 2-Feb NA 2-Feb
Accessibility 31-Jan 5-Feb 7-Feb NA 5-Feb
Color Picker 7-Feb 18-Feb 20-Feb NA 20-Feb
Menus parts 0-3 19-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb NA  
Menus parts 4-5 27-Feb 2-Mar 4-Mar NA  
Undo 2-Mar 11-Mar 13-Mar 12-Mar – 14-Mar 16-Mar