class MenuExperimentView {
AbstractMenuExperimentView <|-- MenuExperimentView
AbstractMainActivity <|-- MainActivity
AbstractMainActivity <|-- TestActivity
MenuExperimentView <|-- PieMenuView
MenuExperimentView <|-- NormalMenuView
MenuExperimentView <|-- CustomMenuView
# What is a Menu in theory?
- Supports selection of an item from a fixed set of options
- Options are set and determined in advance
- Typically used for “commands” (verbs, things to do)
- Occasionally for selecting a value (e.g., picking a font)
- Supports selection of an item from a fixed set of options
- Options are set and determined in advance
- Typically used for “commands” (verbs, things to do)
- Occasionally for selecting a value
graph TD
S((.)) --> A(Start)
A -- "Press?startSelection()" --> I(Selecting)
I -- "Release:endSelection()" --> E[End]
I -- "Drag:updateModel()" --> I
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
class S invisible
class A start
class E finish
class I normal
Implemented in MenuExperimentView
Works in all Menus!
# What is a Menu in theory?
- Supports selection of an item from a fixed set of options
- Options are set and determined in advance
- Typically used for “commands” (verbs, things to do)
- Occasionally for selecting a value
graph TD
S((.)) --> A(Start)
A -- "Press?startSelection()" --> I(Selecting)
I -- "Release:endSelection()" --> E[End]
I -- "Drag:updateModel()" --> I
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
class S invisible
class A start
class E finish
class I normal
# Aside: Enums
Group of named constants
- Used for PPS in ColorPicker (PPS States; Essential Geometry)
- Used for PPS in Menu assignment *and* for experimental conditions
- Easy to inspect if you want to (can use to determine possible states, number items, etc)
class TaskType {
class State {
class MenuType {
# How do we draw a menu?
MenuExperimentView <|.. PieMenuView : onDraw translates and calls drawMenu
class PieMenuView {
Canvas: 0,0 at first touch point.
Clipping rect: Whole screen
class MenuExperimentView {
Canvas : 0,0 at top left of screen;
Clipping rect: Whole screen
onDraw() translate
- Important! MenuExperimentView set to `MATCH_PARENT`
- Makes drawing tricky!
- Translate (like a parent view does for children)
- `onDraw` in `MenuExperimentView` calls `drawMenu` in child classes.
Do we have to rotate/translate the `Canvas` back?
We don't strictly have to rotate or translate back because this is
an inheritance drawing trick, not an interactor hierarchy drawing implementation
# Aside: Custom Listeners
- Used in ColorPicker and Menus
- Why create custom listeners?
- Lets you execute code when the view's model has changed
- No other way to know that has happened
# Review: How to implement custom listeners
The Custom View needs to
- define the custom interface
- keep track of listeners
Anything *using* the view needs to
- implement the interface (specifically, the method in that interface that will be called)
- register itself as a listener with the view
# Example Custom View -- ColorPicker
In ColorPicker, we setup the Custom View side for you
// Currently registered ColorListener instance or null.
private List mColorChangeListeners;
// Class which defines a listener to be called when a new color is selected.
public interface ColorChangeListener {
void onColorSelected(@ColorInt int color);
// Registers a new listener
public final void addColorChangeListener(@NonNull ColorChangeListener colorChangeListener) {
# Example Custom Listener -- ColorPicker:
You implemented this
// TODO: Register callback to update {color,label}
// View when color changed.`
What method do we call to register the callback?
MainActivity ..> ColorPickerView : addColorChangeListener()
MainActivity --> ColorChangeListener : Contains
class ColorChangeListener {
class ColorPickerView {
class MainActivity {
ColorPickerView view
# Example Custom Listener -- ColorPicker:
You implemented this
// TODO: Register callback to update {color,label}
// View when color changed.`
What method do we call to register the callback? `addColorChangeListener()`
What do we usually do in a callback?
update application's (`MainActivity`) model
ColorPickerView ..> ColorChangeListener : onColorChanged()
ColorChangeListener ..> MainActivity : update model
class ColorChangeListener {
class MainActivity {
ColorPickerView view
# You will do this yourself in Menus
// TODO: register a new listener with the menu so that the application knows when a selection is made
// TODO: implement the listener. When the user completes a trial, the menu listener should store
// the results of the trial, and setup for the next trial
class: center, middle, inverse
# Experimenting with Interfaces
Important part of building interfaces is experimenting
Need structured ways to decide what's better
# Experiments should be tied to *hypotheses* based on *theories* what will go better
- Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)
- Steering Law (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?
- Do they have to move? More than once
- Gestalt Psychology (will they see it at all?)
- Errors (will they be reduced)
why theory and not intuition?
# Which is better and which laws explain it?
## A. Pie Menu
![:img Pie Menu, 80%](img/menus/pie.jpg)
## B. Pull down Menu
![:img Traditional Menu inside a web browser, 80%](img/menus/menu.png)
What analysis methods can we use to predict?
- Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)
- *Steering Law* (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?
- Do they have to move? More than once
- Gestalt Psychology (will they see it at all?)
- Errors (will they be reduced)
# Steering Law (based on Fitts' law)
## A. Pie Menu
![:img Pie Menu, 80%](img/menus/pie.jpg)
## B. Pull down Menu
![:img Traditional Menu inside a web browser, 80%](img/menus/menu.png)
# Which is better and which law explains it?
## A. Pie Menu
![:img Pie Menu, 80%](img/menus/pie.jpg)
## B. Marking Menu
![:youtube Video assigned before class, 8c58bN6ajJ4?t=30]
- Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)
- Steering Law (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- **Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?**
- **Do they have to move? More than once**
- Gestalt Psychology (will they see it at all?)
- Errors (will they be reduced)
# Cognitive modeling (less double checking)
## A. Pie Menu
![:img Pie Menu, 80%](img/menus/pie.jpg)
## B. Marking Menu
![:youtube Video assigned before class, 8c58bN6ajJ4?t=30]
# Which is better and which laws explain it?
A: Tapping B: Crossing
![:youtube Video of using crossing for selection, kp2Zl4ONuik]
- **Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)**
- Steering Law (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?
- Do they have to move? More than once
- Gestalt Psychology (will they see it at all?)
- Errors (will they be reduced)
# Fitts' Law (infinite width)
A: Tapping B: Crossing
![:youtube Video of using crossing for selection, kp2Zl4ONuik]
# Which is better and which laws explain it?
## A.
![:img Picture of the Graffiti gesture recognition alphabet from the Palm Pilot, 100%](img/menus/Grafitti.png)
## B.
![:img Picture of the Edgewrite gesture recognition alphabet, 50%](img/menus/Edgewrite.png)
- Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)
- Steering Law (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?
- Do they have to move? More than once
- Gestalt Psychology (will they see it at all?)
- **Errors (will they be reduced)**
# Errors (better physical feedback during motor task)
## A.
![:img Picture of the Graffiti gesture recognition alphabet from the Palm Pilot, 100%](img/menus/Grafitti.png)
## B.
![:img Picture of the Edgewrite gesture recognition alphabet, 50%](img/menus/Edgewrite.png)
# Which is better and which laws explain it?
## A.
![:img Old facebook security page with icons and text mixed
## B.
![:img March 2019 facebook security page with icons and
text clearly aligned, 80%](img/menus/facebook2.png)
- Fitts Law (compare distance and size; check for infinite size)
- Steering Law (distance and size over a path)
- Cognitive modeling (complex multi-step model of expert behavior)
- Does someone have to 'check' something? More than once?
- Do they have to move? More than once
- **Gestalt Psychology (group?)**
- **Errors (will they be reduced)**
# Gestalt Psychology (better grouping strategies)
## A.
![:img Old facebook security page with icons and text mixed
## B.
![:img March 2019 facebook security page with icons and
text clearly aligned, 80%](img/menus/facebook2.png)
# Back to comparing menus
Kurtenbach: What did they study here?
![:youtube Illustration of advantages of marking menus,dtH9GdFSQaw]
# How do we prove our theories? Hypothesis
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis start
Marking Menus are better than Pie Menus
Marking Menus are *faster* than Pie Menus
Pie Menus are faster than Linear Menus for less than 8 items that have no obvious order
# What conditions does this experiment have?
`TaskType` (could be a condition)
# What might we measure? (from POP-Motor)
- Time on Task
- Accuracy
- How strenuous
- Recall
- Emotional Response
# How do we prove our theories? Method
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis start
class Method normal
Compare specific conditions
| MenuType | 8 items | 12 items |
| Linear | | |
| Pie | | |
| Marking | | |
What if we wanted to do length AND ordered vs not?
Want to consider every combination, or run twice (menuType x length and menuType x ordering)
# How do we prove our theories? Data
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
Method -- "Run Study" --> Data(Data)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 2 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis start
class Method,Data normal
What might we want to measure?
- Time on task -- how long to complete basic tasks? (For example, find something to buy, create a new account, and order the item.)
- Accuracy -- How many mistakes did people make? (And were they fatal or recoverable with the right information?)
- How strenuous (e.g. gaze has lower throughput but is less strenuous than head pointing (Mackenzie 2018)
- Recall -- How much does the person remember afterwards or after periods of non-use?
- Emotional Response -- How does the person feel about the tasks completed? (Confident? Stressed? Would the user recommend this system to a friend?)
Build up a list of good UI design principals from these basics
... What is missing? (e.g. fun)
# How to get such data?
- Video
- Timestamps
- Notes
- Can transcribe and analyze interviews with users
- Can look for patterns across users
# How do we prove our theories? Analysis
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
Method -- "Run Study" --> Data(Data)
Data -- "Clean and Prep" --> Analysis(Analysis)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 2 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 3 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis start
class Method,Data,Analysis normal
![:img sample data from the menus experiement, 80%](img/menus/menus-data.png)
# How do we prove our theories? Conclusions
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
Method -- "Run Study" --> Data(Data)
Data -- "Clean and Prep" --> Analysis(Analysis)
Analysis --> Conclusions(Conclusions)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 2 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 3 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 4 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis,Conclusions start
class Method,Data,Analysis normal
![:img sample data from the menus experiement, 30%](img/menus/histogram.png)
# Design an experiment
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
Method -- "Run Study" --> Data(Data)
Data -- "Clean and Prep" --> Analysis(Analysis)
Analysis --> Conclusions(Conclusions)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 2 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 3 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 4 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis,Conclusions start
class Method,Data,Analysis normal
## A.
![:img Picture of the Graffiti gesture recognition alphabet from the Palm Pilot, 100%](img/menus/Grafitti.png)
## B.
![:img Picture of the Edgewrite gesture recognition alphabet, 50%](img/menus/Edgewrite.png)
Hypothesis: Errors (will they be reduced)
# Design an experiment
graph LR
S((.)) --> Hypothesis(Hypothesis)
Hypothesis -- "Study Design" --> Method(Method)
Method -- "Run Study" --> Data(Data)
Data -- "Clean and Prep" --> Analysis(Analysis)
Analysis --> Conclusions(Conclusions)
classDef finish outline-style:double,fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef start fill:#d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
classDef invisible fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 2 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 3 stroke-width:4px;
linkStyle 4 stroke-width:4px;
class S invisible
class Hypothesis,Conclusions start
class Method,Data,Analysis normal
## A. Pie Menu
![:img Pie Menu, 80%](img/menus/pie.jpg)
## B. Pull down Menu
![:img Traditional Menu inside a web browser, 80%](img/menus/menu.png)
Hypothesis: Errors will be reduced;
Hypothesis: Motion will be faster due to low level motor things
Hypothesis: fewer cognitive checks needed