name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Core Toolkit Abstractions Jennifer Mankoff CSE 340 Spring 2019 --- name: normal layout: true class: --- layout: false .body[ | Hall of Shame | Hall of Fame| |---|---| |![:img Picture of a small sandcastle that is falling apart, 100%](img/sandcastle1.png) | ![:img Picture of a complex sandcastle with LEDs lighting it up, 100%](img/sandcastle2.jpg) ] --- .title[Impact of Tools] .body[ ![Simple home tools for sandcastle making such as a bucket; funnel; brush; and spackle knife, 90%](img/sandcastletools.gif) ] --- .title[Today's goals] .body[ - __Tools & Toolkit Users__ - Common Components - Relate to Android ] --- # Subtle influence of tools ![:img Sketch of Interface, 70%](img/sketch.png) --- .title[ Subtle influence of tools] .body[ ![:img High Fidelity Prototype, 70%](img/prototype.png) ] --- .title[Subtle influence of tools] .body[ Whorfian Effects - The way in which our tools influence how we think and thus what we do. - Origins are linguistic (e.g. the way in which language about color affects what we perceive) - Can even affect perception of human emotion! ] --- # HCI Software in the present .left-column[
graph LR ap[Application Program] hlt[High Level Tools] t[Toolkit] w[Window System] o[OS] h[Hardware] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill:#7887AB,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ap,o,h,w yellow class hlt,t green
] --- # HCI Software in the present .left-column[
graph LR ap[Application Program] hlt[High Level Tools] t[Toolkit] w[Window System] o[OS] h[Hardware] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class w,ap,o,h yellow class t green class hlt darkblue
] --- # Example High Level Tool in Android ![:img Screenshot of the android layout tool, 100%](img/android-editor.gif) --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ip,t yellow class w,l,a green
] --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class t yellow class w,l,a green class ip darkblue
] .right-column[ Combine library elements according to toolkit rules & following constraints of architecture. Supported by all toolkits ] --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ip,t yellow class w,l,a green class w darkblue
] .right-column[ Creates new, re-usable interactors (e.g. to support new forms of input/direct manipulation). Supported by many toolkits ] --- # Interaction Techniques - A method for carrying out a specific interactive task - Example: enter a number in a range - Swiping to invoke an action - Gesture based text entry .left-column[ ![img: A picture of a finger left-swiping to invoke an action on a list on an android phone, 30%](img/android-swipe.png) ] .right-column[ ![img: A picture of gesture based text entry on an android phone, 25%](img/android-type.jpg) ] --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ip,t yellow class w,a green class l darkblue
] .right-column[ Similar to interactor developer, but may create new forms of layout, types of input, etc. Supported by a few toolkits ] --- # Toolkit Support for Styling .left-float[ ![img: A picture of the same dialogue box styled 4 different ways, 10%](img/novellibrary.png) ] .right-float[ subArctic allowed visually rich, dynamically resizable, images to be provided using primarily conventional drawing tools (and with no programming or programming-like activities at all). Scott E. Hudson and Kenichiro Tanaka. (UIST '00) ] --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ip,t yellow class w,l,a green class a darkblue
] .right-column[ Modifies the flow of information within a toolkit to create entirely new effects (e.g. adding support for command objects) Supported by very few toolkits ] --- # Architecture Extender: Animation .right-column50[ ![:img A picture of a phone interface using animation to show a menu, 100%](img/animation.gif) ] Integrated into existing GUI toolkit Primary abstraction: transition - models movement over time - through arbitrary space of values (e.g., color) - screen space is most common .footnote[Great post about [types of animation on mobile phones](, also source of the image] --- # Development Roles .left-column[
graph LR ip[Interface Programmer] w[Component Developer] l[Library Extender] a[Architecture Extender] t[Toolkit Builder] classDef bluegreen fill: #d1e0e0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef blue fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,width:300px; classDef green fill:#dbf0db,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef yellow fill:#ffffe6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,width:300px; classDef darkblue fill: #ccffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:6px,width:300px; class ip,t yellow class w,l,a green class t darkblue
] .right-column[ Creates entirely new toolkits that enable radical new forms of interaction e.g. RapID ] --- # Toolkit Builder: Physical Interfaces Creates entirely new toolkits that changes what we can do ![:youtube Physical Interface made out of RFID tags,4k15uXpp7-g] --- # Toolkit for Overloading Existing Interfaces Prefab supports pixel based enhancements: write interpretation logic that can be composed, reused, and shared to manage the multi-faceted nature of pixel-based interpretation; robustly annotate interface elements with metadata needed to enable runtime enhancements. ![:youtube Prefab Demo,lju6IIteg9Q] --- .title[ But we look at General Principals] .body[ Particular toolkits tend to be mired in a particular platform Along comes the next big thing (e.g., iPhone) and you’ll need to learn a new one Labs are platform specific looks at lecture concepts If you learn the structures/concepts (and esp. rationale behind them) that survives change better ] --- .title[Today's goals] .body[ - Tools & Toolkit Users - **Common Components** - Component Anatomy - Relate to Android ] --- .left-column[ # Significant Stagnation - Basic GUI components invented 1970s - Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers (“WIMP”) - “Perfected” by Macintosh in 1984 - Not much change since then (even with web) ] .right-column[ ## Most GUIs still use the same 7-10 interaction techniques ![:img Picture of a very old mac control panel showing typical interactors at the time,80%](img/interactors1.png) ] ??? - Work well, uniform - Good for usability - GUI is victim of its own success - Opportunities lost by not customizing interaction techniques to tasks - Hard for better techniques to get traction - Only very recently with mobile devices (touch based) have we seen lots of new techniques get a major foothold --- .title[In class Exercise] .body[ Let's look at interactors in Android Studio ![:img A picture of the setup for android study in which we can layout components,80%](img/android-components.png) ] ??? Menu, Button(types), Slider, Scrollbar, Spinner, List box, Icon, Link, Text box, Label, --- .title[In class Exercise] .body[ Quick Tour | tutorial for [building a ui]( ![:img A picture of the setup for android study in which we can layout components,80%](img/android-components2.png) ] --- .title[ Environment Setup] .body[ - Should already be done: Download [Android Studo]( and install ] -- .body[ - Keep default installation settings ] -- .body[ - We'll be using Nougat as a default for this class - But any version above Jellybean will work ] --- .title[What went wrong?] .body[ Layout: Did things overlap? Action: Did they react? ] --- .title[Today's goals] .body[ - Tools & Toolkit Users - Common Components - Relate to Android ] --- .title[Summary] .body[ - Common Components of an Interface - Component Hierarchy - Layout Importance - Run some code in Android Studio! ]
layout: true