# CSE 340 Lab 7 (Spring 2019) ## Heuristic Evaluations, Feedback --- ## Menus, Accessibility, Undo Feedback - There are currently survey(s) on Canvas your experience with Menus, Undo, and Accessibility - Organized under Canvas Quizzes --- ## Heuristic Evaluations - You should have received an email with the survey link and APKs - We will complete a heuristic evaluation on one submission in section today -- You must complete the remaining evaluations within the next day - What do you do? -- Two passes through the interface: one to inspect flow, another to inspect each screen against heuristics -- Fill out Usability Action Report --- ## Evaluation criteria - **Visibility of system status** -- Are users informed about what is going on in their application? - **Match between the system and the real world** -- Does the app use concepts, language, and conventions that would be familiar to the user? - **User control and freedom?** -- Does it allow the user to do what he/she wants to? - **Consistency/Standards?** -- Does the application use the same conventions in all its components? Is it consistent with other apps on the same platform? - **Error prevention?** -- Is the application defensive? Does it have a design that protects users from making mistakes? - **Recognition rather than recall?** -- Are the objects/actions/options of the app easily accessible to newcomers, or do they require memory? - **Flexibility and Efficiency of Use** -- Can the user customize the application to their needs? - **Aesthetic and minimalist design** -- Is the application cluttered? Does it contain only relevant components? - **Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors?** -- When the user runs into a problem, will it be easy for them to fix it? - **Help and Documentation** -- Is help easy to find any navigate? Is the information given even helpful? ---
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