CSE 333 24su Exercise 0

Due: Thursday, June 20th, 2024 by 10:00 am; No late exercises will be accepted.
Goals: Write a C program from scratch including a function declaration, learn how to process command-line arguments, and explore some basic C libraries for handling I/O, strings, and numeric conversions.

Description: One way to estimate π is to use the following infinite series, which was discovered by Nilakantha in the 15th century:

      π = 3 + (4 / (2 x 3 x 4)) - (4 / (4 x 5 x 6)) + (4 / (6 x 7 x 8)) - ...

Breaking the series down:

Write a C program that estimates π by adding together terms 0 through n, inclusive, in the Nilakantha series, and prints out that estimate to 20 decimal places. "n" is provided to your program as a command-line argument. Your program, when compiled, should be called "ex0" and an example of how the user should invoke it, and the resulting output, which you should match, is:

    bash$ gcc -Wall -g -std=c17 -o ex0 ex0.c
    bash$ ls
    ex0     ex0.c
    bash$ ./ex0 100
    Our estimate of Pi is 3.14159241097198238535

You should use C's double type for the floating-point arithmetic. Different floating-point types or adding up the terms in the series in an order different from left-to-right might yield different results. The point of this exercise, however, is to create and run a simple C program, not to explore the nuances of floating-point arithmetic, so please use the double datatype, which is adequate for our purposes and will produce the expected results, which should match the example.

Your code must:

You should submit your exercise to the course Gradescope. You should have received an email message from Gradescope with your login information by the evening of the first class day. Your userid is your @uw.edu email address. If your gradescope account is not set up properly, please send email to cse333-staff[at]cs... with your uw netid so we can fix the problem. To submit file(s) using Gradescope, simply select the course, select the assignment, and drag the file(s) to the indicated place.)

A note on C Documentation

As part of this exercise you will need to explore some of the basic C libraries and conventions in order to access the command line argument (the string of digit characters), convert that digit string to a binary int value, and print the result. The course Resources page contains a link to www.cplusplus.com/reference, which is a good source for information about the C and C++ libraries (ignore the C++ information for now). In particular, you will find it useful to look at the stdio.h library for basic input and output, string.h for handling C strings (null-terminated arrays of characters), and stdlib.h for some useful functions, include parsing (converting) strings of digit characters to int values (there are multiple ways to do this later task, including sscanf, atoi, and others -- think about the tradeoffs and differences between them).