/* * Ask user for a word and print it forwards and backwards. * CSE 333 demo (for debugging). HP */ #define MAX_STR 100 /* length of longest input string */ #include #include #include /* Return a new string with the contents of s backwards */ char * reverse(char * s) { char * result = NULL; /* the reversed string */ int L, R; char ch; /* copy original string then reverse and return the copy */ int strsize = strlen(s)+1; /* EX2 Fix: Allocate space for reversed string*/ result = (char *)malloc(strsize); /* EX3 Fix: Check for malloc failure */ if (result == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strncpy(result, s, strsize); L = 0; R = strlen(result) - 1; while (L < R) { ch = result[L]; result[L] = result[R]; result[R] = ch; L++; R--; } return result; } /* Ask the user for a string, then print it forwards and backwards. */ int main() { char line[MAX_STR]; /* original input line */ char * rev_line; /* backwards copy from reverse function */ printf("Please enter a string: "); fgets(line, MAX_STR, stdin); line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; rev_line = reverse(line); printf("The original string was: >%s<\n", line); printf("Backwards, that string is: >%s<\n", rev_line); printf("Thank you for trying our program.\n"); /* EX2 Fix: Free the reversed string preventing memory leak */ free(rev_line); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }