/* * Copyright 2012 Steven Gribble. This program is part of the cse333 * course sequence. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "./SocketLineReader.h" using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::vector; bool SocketLineReader::GetNextLine(string *line) { // Keep attempting to read data until we find a '\n' terminated // line within buf_. while (1) { // Do we have a '\n' terminated line in buf_? If so, return it // and shift the data in buf_. unsigned int offset = 0; while (offset < buf_.size()) { if (buf_[offset] == '\n') { // Found our line! Return it and shift buf_ down. *line = string(&(buf_[0]), offset + 1); buf_.erase(buf_.begin(), buf_.begin() + offset + 1); return true; } offset++; } // We didn't find a line, so we need to read() more data. First, // we need to resize buf_ to handle the new characters we might // read; later, we'll trim the characters we didn't. unsigned int readoffset = buf_.size(); buf_.resize(readoffset + kReadAmount); // Read more data. int res = read(cfd_, &(buf_[readoffset]), kReadAmount); if (res > 0) { // Trim the part of the buffer we didn't read into. buf_.erase(buf_.begin() + readoffset + res, buf_.begin() + readoffset + kReadAmount); continue; } // Did we hit EINTR/EAGAIN? if ((res == -1) && ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR))) continue; // We either hit EOF (res == 0) or a real error (res == -1) break; } // Broke out of the loop, so we must have hit an error. return false; } vector SocketLineReader::SplitIntoWords( const string &line) { stringstream ss(line); vector retvec; string word; while (ss >> word) { std::transform(word.begin(), word.end(), word.begin(), ::tolower); retvec.push_back(word); } return retvec; }