CSE 333 24au Exercise 0

Due: Mon, Sep 30th, 2024 by 10:00 am; No late exercises will be accepted.
Goals: Write a C program from scratch including a function declaration, learn how to process command-line arguments, and explore some basic C libraries for handling I/O, strings, and numeric conversions.

Description: One way to estimate π is to use the following infinite series, which was discovered by Nilakantha in the 15th century:

      π = 3 + (4 / (2 x 3 x 4)) - (4 / (4 x 5 x 6)) + (4 / (6 x 7 x 8)) - ...

Breaking the series down:

Write a C program that estimates π by adding together terms 0 through n, inclusive, in the Nilakantha series, and prints out that estimate to 20 decimal places. "n" is provided to your program as a command-line argument. Your program, when compiled, should be called "ex0" and an example of how the user should invoke it, and the resulting output, which you should match, is:

    bash$ gcc -Wall -g -std=c17 -o ex0 ex0.c
    bash$ ls
    ex0     ex0.c
    bash$ ./ex0 100
    Our estimate of Pi is 3.14159241097198238535

You should use C's double type for the floating-point arithmetic and you should add the terms in increasing order (ie, add the 1st term to the 0th term, then the 2nd term to the previous sum). Different floating-point types or adding up the terms in a different order may yield different results. Since the point of this exercise is to create and run a simple C program, not to explore the nuances of floating-point arithmetic, please use double and add the terms in increasing order.

As part of this exercise, you will need to explore the standard C libraries and conventions for accessing the command line argument (ie, the string of digit characters), converting that digit string to a binary int value, and printing the result. The course Resources page contains a link to cplusplus.com, which is a good source for information about the C and C++ libraries; ignore the C++ information for now. In particular, you will find it useful to look at the stdio.h library for basic input and output, string.h for handling C strings (null-terminated arrays of characters), and stdlib.h for assorted functions (including multiple options for parsing (converting) strings of digit characters to int values.

Your code must:

You should submit your exercise to the course Gradescope.