CSE333 Quiz 3

Open:   Monday, August 7 at 2:00 pm PDT
Closes:   Wednesday, August 9 at 11:59 pm PDT

Assignments Covered and Learning Goals

  • Exercise 7
    • Write additional C++ classes
    • Create a C++ namespace
    • Write non-member friend functions to accompany C++ classes
    • Use dynamic memory allocation in C++
  • Exercise 8
    • Use C++ streams to read files
    • Use C++ STL containers (e.g., map)
    • Write templatized C++ code
  • Exercise 9
    • Define a class that inherits from and implements an abstract class
    • Evaluate a situation to figure out what smart pointers to use
    • Utilize smart pointers to manage complex memory structures
  • Homework 3
    • Write the HW2 data structures to a file on disk using cstdio
    • Implement classes to read and re-build the HW2 data structures from an index file
    • Make use of C++ STL, Classes, Inheritance and other modules
    • Manipulate pointers and manage dynamically-allocated memory
    • Use debugging tools such as gdb and valgrind


On Gradescope, you will find reflection questions for each of the exercises and homework assignments completed thus far. As these are reflection questions, the reasoning and explanation matter more than the statement of a fact or opinion. Where possible, please try to be brief/concise while still getting your point across.


Quiz 3 will be submitted on Gradescope. During the submission window, you may open, close, and submit the quiz as many times as you would like to; only your last submission will be graded.

You are to write up and complete each quiz on your own. We want the work you submit to be a representation of your own thoughts. However, we acknowledge that your peers are often one of the best resources for understanding concepts; therefore, we are allowing the "Gilligan's Island Rule."