#include <iostream>

#include "Point.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int stack_int;      // stack-allocated int
  int* heap_int = new int;  // heap-allocated, uninitialized int
  int* heap_int_init = new int{12};  // heap-allocated, initialized to 12

  int stack_arr[3];  // stack-allocated array of 3 uninitialized ints
  int* heap_arr = new int[3];  // heap-allocated array of 3 uninitialized ints

  // Value initialize array elements (to zeros).
  int* heap_arr_init_val = new int[3]();  // heap-alloc array of 3 zeros

  // C++11: can use a braced list of element initializers.
  // if initializer list is short, remaining elements are value initialized.
  int* heap_arr_init_lst = new int[3]{4, 5};  // heap-alloc array of {4, 5, 0}

  Point stack_pt(1, 2);  // stack-allocated Point object.
  Point* heap_pt = new Point(1, 2);  // heap allocated Point object.

  // would be OK if we had a default constructor for Points, but
  // since we don't, the compiler complains.
  // Point *heap_pt_arr_err = new Point[2];  // heap-alloc, value initialized

  // C++11: can use a braced list of element initializers.
  Point* heap_pt_arr_init_lst = new Point[2]{{1, 2}, {3, 4}};

  delete heap_int;                // correct
  delete heap_int_init;           // correct
  delete heap_pt;                 // correct
  delete heap_arr;                // incorrect!  should be delete[] heap_arr
  delete[] heap_arr_init_val;     // correct
  delete[] heap_pt_arr_init_lst;  // correct
  // memory leak of heap_arr_init_lst!

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;