/* * Fixed code for CSE 333 Section 2 * 1. Draw a memory diagram for the execution to identify errors. * 2. Use gdb and valgrind to identify sources of runtime, logical, * and memory errors. * 3. Clean up the code style. */ #include // strncpy, strlen #include // printf #include // malloc, NULL, free, EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS // A SimpleString stores a C-string and its current length typedef struct simplestring_st { char* word; int length; } SimpleString; /* * FIXED: Returning a pointer as an output parameter requires a double pointer */ // Allocate a new SimpleString on the heap initialized with word // and return pointer to the new SimpleString in dest void InitWord(char* word, SimpleString** dest); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char comp[] = "computer"; SimpleString ss = {comp, strlen(comp)}; SimpleString* ss_ptr = &ss; // expecting "1. computer, 8" printf("1. %s, %d\n", ss_ptr->word, ss_ptr->length); char cse[] = "cse333"; InitWord(cse, &ss_ptr); // expecting "2. cse333, 6" printf("2. %s, %d\n", ss_ptr->word, ss_ptr->length); /* * FIXED: Use free to fix memory leaks from heap-allocated reversed string * (Use valgrind to find this leak) */ free(ss_ptr->word); free(ss_ptr); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void InitWord(char* word, SimpleString** dest) { *dest = (SimpleString*) malloc(sizeof(SimpleString)); if (*dest == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } (*dest)->length = strlen(word); (*dest)->word = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * ((*dest)->length + 1)); if (((*dest)->word) == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strncpy((*dest)->word, word, (*dest)->length + 1); }