CSE 333 22au Final Exam Topics

This list summarizes topics we've covered since those on the midterm. The final exam will be biased towards these items but anything we've done this quarter could appear, so you should also review things on the midterm list. Generally, if you've kept up with everything that's been covered in lecture, sections, exercises, and homework assignments you should be well prepared, and questions may be based on any of the work we've done this quarter. A good way to study is to find a quiet room and work the problems on some of the old exams while watching the clock, and then look at the sample solutions. You might also find it helpful to solve some of the practice exercises at the end of most lectures if you haven't done them already.

You should understand the ideas and core concepts and how to use them, but don't memorize API details. We'll provide hints or reference material on the exam for API details as needed, but you should know the basics.

The exam will be closed book, etc., as was done for the midterm, but you can have two 5x8 notecards with any hand-written notes you wish. One of those could be the notecard from the midterm exam, or you can have two completely new notecards. As with the midterm, the notes must be hand-written, i.e., no computer printouts, no scanned/reduced notes, and no electronic devices or other technology.

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Network Programming
