CSE 333 21wi Exercise 4

out: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
due: Monday 25, 2021 by 10:00 am,

Exercise Goals


Do a git pull and find directory ex04/.


Bold indicates the key content in that point. Underlined indicates a task you're asked to complete.

  1. Your main task is to implement the standard C library function memmove. Your implementation should have an interface and behavior identical to what man memmmove describes except that your method name should be something other than memmove. Your memmove implementation may not use any other functions. memmove differs from memcpy in that it works correctly when the source and destination memory areas overlap. Make sure your implementation has that property. Your code should reside in a single file, ex04/memmove.c. You don't need to create a memmove.h file because #include <string.h> will declare the interface you're implementing. You must create a .h file for your routine because it's name isn't memmove, so it won't be delcared by <string.h> and the C compiler will want to see a declaration of the routine before a use (call to) the routine. (Note: We don't care very much what files are called. We'll deal with it. Calling them memmove.c and memmove.h would be handy, but it isn't a grading criterion.)
  2. You should write any mainline you like to help you develop and test your memmove implementation. Call it whatever you like.
  3. We will be doing both correctness and performance testing of your implementation, using code we'll supply as part of grading.
  4. We'll use the "library code" supplied in subdirectory ex04/c-timer-lib-master/ to time your code, and you should as well. (Technically, this is distributed as source, not as a "library.") We fetched this library from c-timer-lib. We're leaving it to you to figure out how to use it. Again, that's intentional. It isn't a whole lot of work to figure it out, and figuring it out is part of the exercise. (Asking someone to tell you exactly what to do in a discussion board question is not part of the exercise.)
  5. The timer code will very likely present some build problems for you. You're not allowed to modify anything about the library code or which directories files are in, so you'll have to adjust your build configuration to get their code and your code to build together. Their code builds, and they even supply a Makefile that works on attu. (Don't try to use the discussion board to be handed a solution to this. Try to figure out how to fix it. But if you find yourself about to spend an unreasonable amount of time on it, send email to cse333-staff@cs.)
  6. Even once you can build without errors, you may get a compiler warning that you can't fix without warping your own code in unacceptable ways. On the other hand, you may not. It depends on just how your code is written. If you get the warning, you're lucky, in a way, because it will point out how a small thing about the library code can end up causing issues for clients, and therefore why the "system programmer" creating the library is best off being as meticulous as humanly possible. (If you don't get a warning, it doesn't mean your code is wrong.)
  7. You should organize things so that it's easy to build your testing code to use either your implementation or the standard library implementation. They have identical interfaces, so nothing about your test code should have to change. Which is used depends on how your application is built.
  8. Edit the README.md file we distributed to document how to build your application to use your memmove implementation and how to build it to use the standard library version. We don't expect you to use make. You may use make if you'd like.
  9. Include in your README.md file a comparison of run times of your and the standard library implementations of memmove. Our mainline prints measured performance expressed in MB/sec. Throughput (i.e., MB/sec) would be an appropriate way to characterize performance in the README.md.
  10. Optional Bonus Activity
    There are no points for doing this. I think some people might feel they get a lot out of it and others will just find it frustrating, so it isn't required. If you do it and feel you got something out of it, that's the bonus. If you don't do it, that's perfectly okay.
    A probably unachievable goal for your implementation is to match or improve upon the performance of the standard C library implementation. We don't expect you'll achieve that - we didn't. If your code is much slower than the standard library, think about and try to explain why. (If yours is much faster, speculate about why the standard library didn't do whatever you did. If they're about equal there isn't much to say other than that.) You don't need to try to verify your guess as that could be a lot more work than it's worth. We have a guess, for instance, but haven't changed our implementation to test how well it does.
    Notice that the bonus option is asking you to think about it and formulate some guess(es). Telling us correctly why the standard library is faster isn't the point. It would be a mistake to post discussion board entries about your guesses or asking others to tell you their ideas, or anything close to that. You can for sure email us to discuss ideas. We're not sure we know the actual answer either, though. And it would be fine (really great, actually) to use the discussion board to talk about this, say, 24 hours after the assignment is due so that everyone gets a chance to think about it ab initio.

Repeating: It isn't a requirement that your code achieve any particular performance. It isn't a requirement that your code out-perform the standard library. The optional bonus is optional and isn't a point bonus.


You should tag your code ex04-final and push to your repository. We will test your memmove.c using our testing mainline. If you require your memmove.c to be compiled in any particular way, document that in the README.md file. We may look at your test code to verify that you used the timer library, and we may build and test your overall project in some cases. You will not be graded on how extensive your testing is, just that you did in fact write code to test and time your memmove implementation and that your project can be built in the manner you describe.

Maybe Worth Doing

If you haven't run usingvalgrind, try it to see how much of a performance impact it has.