#include #include #include #include #include "Example.h" using namespace std; unsigned int Example::globalUid = 0; // The copy constructor for this class. Example::Example(const Example &other) : strPtr(NULL) { uid = globalUid++; _copyFrom(other); cout << "Example copy constructor " << toString() << endl; } Example::Example(const char *strVal) { strPtr = strdup(strVal); uid = globalUid++; cout << "Example(const char*) constructor " << toString() << endl; } Example::~Example() { cout << " Example destructor" << toString() << ")" << endl; free(strPtr); } Example &Example::operator=(const Example &other) { cout << "operator=(" << other.toString() << ")" << endl; _copyFrom(other); return *this; } // This + operator return a new object, allowing us to write expressions // in a reasonably natural way. (See main.cc for an example.) Example Example::operator+(const Example &other) const { cout << "operator+: " << this->toString() << " + " << other.toString() << endl; Example result(*this); char *newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(result.strPtr) + strlen(other.strPtr) + 1); if ( newStr != NULL ) { strcpy(newStr, result.strPtr); strcat(newStr, other.strPtr); free(result.strPtr); result.strPtr = newStr; } return result; } // (In this example we don't copy the unique id field.) void Example::_copyFrom(const Example &other) { // if the strdup() fails, leave this Example object unchanged char *strCopy = strdup(other.strPtr); if( strCopy ) { if ( strPtr ) free(strPtr); strPtr = strCopy; } } string Example::toString() const { ostringstream result; result << "[" << uid << ": strPtr = 0x" << hex << (unsigned long int)strPtr << " -> '" << strPtr << "']"; return result.str(); }