#include #include #include "06-maxTyped.h" // some types can't be used as part of the function name typedef void * pointer; // create here definitions of type-specialized max functions maxTypedTemplate(int); maxTypedTemplate(char); maxTypedTemplate(pointer); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("max_int(4,5) = %d\n", max_int(4,5)); printf("max_char('a', 'A') = %c\n", max_char('a', 'A')); printf("max_pointer(max_int, main) = %p\n", max_pointer(max_int,main)); // here's about as much as a type checking complaint as we // can get out of the compiler printf("max_char(main, 'a') = %c\n", max_char(main,'a')); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }