// CSE 333 Su12 Lecture 9 demo: helloworld2.cc // Gribble/Perkins #include #include // C++ supports strings as objects! The std::string class and its methods // are defined in the string C++ standard library header. #include // The "using" keyword introduces part of a namespace, or an entire // namespace, into the current declarative region. So, the following // would essentially import all names defined within the "std" // namespace into the current namespace: // // using namespace std; // // From that moment until the end of the current scope, you can // refer to names in std without prefixing them with "std::". // // Alternatively, if you wanted to introduce a specific name into // the current region without importing the entire namespace, you // can say something like: // // using std::cout; // // Then you can use "cout" without prefixing it with "std::". using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Here, we're intantiating a new instance of the class std::string, // and we're passing a C-style string ("Hello, World!") as an // argument to a constructor method. The new string object instance // is stack-allocated, so when main() returns, the instance will be // de-allocated (and its destructor will be invoked). The // constructor makes a private copy of the C-style string. string hello("Hello, World!"); // Now, instead of passing a C-style string to the ostream object // instance std::cout's method for handling the "<<" operator, we're // passing (a reference to) the hello object instance. It turns out // that the string header has declared a function that overloads // "<<" and accepts (a reference to) a string object as its RHS // argument, so this is what's invoked, rather than a method of the // ostream object. cout << hello << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }