// CSE 333 Su12 Lecture 9 demo: helloworld.cc // Gribble/Perkins // C++'s iostream declares stream objects cin, cout, etc., // but within the 'std' namespace. Note that you don't // need the .h when you're #including headers from the // C++ standard library, but you do need them when including // a local header (e.g.: #include "ll.h") #include // We want to include C's header file stdlib.h to use the EXIT_SUCCESS // preprocessor symbol. To include a C standard library header foo.h // in a C++ program, you use #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { // "std::cout" means "the symbol 'cout' scoped to the 'std' // namespace. 'cout' happens to be an object instance of type // 'ostream' whose job is to write to the console. // // "<<" is an operator. Objects of type 'ostream' have overloaded // this operator, meaning they have defined methods that are invoked // whenever an 'ostream' is on the left-hand-side of the "<<" // operator. 'ostream' uses C++'s static polymorphism to define // multiple methods that handle the "<<" operator; each method // takes one argument of a specific type. So, there is a method // that handles the "<<" operator that accepts a C-style string // (i.e., a const char *). // // "Hello, World!" is a C-style string. // // The expression (std::cout << "Hello, World!") is evaluated // first; it invokes the method in the 'std::cout' object of // class 'ostream' that overloads the '<<' operator, passing it // a pointer to the memory location that contains the C-style // string "Hello, World!". This method writes the string to // console, then returns a reference to the "std::cout" argument // as its return value. // // So, that return value will be the left-hand-side of the // next expression evaluated, namely (return-val-from-"<<" << endl). // // "endl" is a 'manipulator' function defined in "std". This // function operates on an ostream to flush the stream and // write a newline character. 'std::cout' has a method // that is invoked when the '<<' operator is invoked on an ostream // and the right-hand-side is a manipulator function pointer. std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }