# without profiling

gcc -g -Wall -o countchars countchars.c
cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | head -n 100 > bigfile.txt
time ./countchars ./bigfile.txt
cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | head -n 500 > bigfile.txt
time ./countchars ./bigfile.txt

# add profiling by compiling and linking with the "-pg" command-line argument

gcc -pg -g -Wall -o countchars countchars.c
./countchars ./bigfile.txt
ls -al    # note the "gmon.out" file produced by gprof
gprof ./countchars | less

# try a more pretty representation
wget http://gprof2dot.jrfonseca.googlecode.com/hg/gprof2dot.py
chmod 755 gprof2dot.py
gprof ./countchars | ./gprof2dot.py -n0 -e0 | dot -Tpng  | display

# Hmm....close, but gprof doesn't cut it, as it can't see inside
# glibc without getting a profile-enabled glibc.  Let's try
# valgrind!

sudo yum install kdesdk   # for the "kcachegrind" visualization tool
gcc -g -Wall -o countchars countchars.c
cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | head -n 500 > bigfile.txt
valgrind --tool=callgrind ./countchars ./bigfile.txt
ls -al   # note callgrind.out.[pid]
callgrind_annotate callgrind.out.[pid]

# or, use gprof2dot.py
./gprof2dot.py -f callgrind -n0 -e0 callgrind.out.[pid] | dot -Tpng | display