/* CSE 333 Su12 lecture 14 demo: stocks_static/DividendStock.h */
/* Gribble/Perkins */

// Specification of class DividendStock without virtual methods


#include <string>

#include "./Stock.h"

using namespace std;

// A DividendStock object represents holdings of a single
// stock that also pays dividends.
class DividendStock : public Stock {
  DividendStock(string symbol, double share_price = 0.0);

  // DividendStock's mutator and accessor methods.
  void   PayDividend(double amount_per_share);

  // DividentStock's "investment" interface.
  double GetProfit() const;
  double GetDividends() const;

  // Print out the DividendStock information.
  void Print() const;

  double dividends_;   // total dividends paid on holdings of this stock

#endif  // _DIVIDENDSTOCK_H_