/* CSE 333 Su12 lecture 14 demo: badcons.cc */ /* Gribble/Perkins */ // Potential problem creating subclasses if the base class // does not include a default constructor. // Base has no default constructor class Base { public: Base(int x) : y(x) { } int y; }; // Compiler error when you try to instantiate a D1, as D1’s // synthesized default constructor needs to invoke Base's default // constructor. class D1 : public Base { public: int z; }; // Works. class D2 : public Base { public: D2(int z) : Base(z+1) { this->z = z; } int z; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Base b(1); // OK D2 d2(1); // OK D1 d1; // compiler error here. return 0; }