 * Copyright 2011 Steven Gribble
 *  This file is part of the UW CSE 333 course project sequence
 *  (333proj).
 *  333proj is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  333proj is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with 333proj.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef _HW3_THREADPOOL_H_
#define _HW3_THREADPOOL_H_

extern "C" {
#include <pthread.h>  // for the pthread threading/mutex functions

#include <stdint.h>   // for uint32_t, etc.
#include <list>       // for std::list

namespace hw3 {

// A ThreadPool is, well, a pool of threads. ;)  A ThreadPool is an
// abstraction that allows customers to dispatch tasks to a set of
// worker threads.  Tasks are queued, and as a worker thread becomes
// available, it pulls a task off the queue and invokes a function
// pointer in the task to process it.  When it is done processing the
// task, the thread returns to the pool to receive and process the next
// available task.
class ThreadPool {
  // Construct a new ThreadPool with a certain number of worker
  // threads.  Arguments:
  //  - num_threads:  the number of threads in the pool.
  explicit ThreadPool(uint32_t num_threads);
  virtual ~ThreadPool();

  // This inner class defines what a Task is.  A worker thread will
  // pull a task off the task queue and invoke the thread_task_fn
  // function pointer inside of it, passing it the Task* itself as an
  // argument.  The thread_task_fn takes ownership of the Task and
  // must arrange to delete the task when it is done.  Customers will
  // probably want to subclass Task to add task-specific fields to it.
  class Task;
  typedef void (*thread_task_fn)(Task *arg);

  class Task {
    // "f" is the task function that a worker thread should invoke to
    // process the task.
    explicit Task(thread_task_fn f) : f_(f) { }

    // The dispatch function.
    thread_task_fn f_;

  // Customers use Dispatch() to enqueue a Task for dispatch to a
  // worker thread.
  void Dispatch(Task *t);

  friend void *ThreadLoop(void *tpool);

  // A lock and condition variable that worker threads and the
  // Dispatch function use to guard the Task queue.
  pthread_mutex_t qlock_;
  pthread_cond_t  qcond_;

  // The queue of Tasks waiting to be dispatched to a worker thread.
  std::list<Task *> work_queue_;

  // This should be set to "true" when it is time for the worker
  // threads to kill themselves, i.e., when the ThreadPool is
  // destroyed.  A worker thread will check this variable before
  // picking up its next piece of work; if it is true, the worker
  // threads will kill themselves off.
  bool killthreads_;

  // This variable stores how many threads are currently running.  As
  // worker threads are born, they increment it, and as worker threads
  // kill themselves, they decrement it.
  uint32_t num_threads_running_;

  // The pthreads pthread_t structures representing each thread.
  pthread_t *thread_array_;

}  // namespace hw3

#endif  // _HW3_THREADPOOL_H_