#include "EventLoop.h"
#include "ThreadPool.h"
#include "ThreadSafeQueue.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>   // for uint32_t, etc.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace hw4;

// A results queue, storing pairs of integers with booleans indicating whether or not they're prime
ThreadSafeQueue<pair<uint32_t,bool> > results;

// A thread pool, initialized to 16 threads
ThreadPool pool(16);

void CalculatePrimality(ThreadPool::Task *arg);

class PrimalityTask : public ThreadPool::Task {
    PrimalityTask(int fd, uint32_t pp) : ThreadPool::Task(CalculatePrimality), fd_(fd), pp_(pp) {}

    uint32_t get_possible_prime() { return pp_; }
    int get_signal_fd() { return fd_; }
    int fd_;
    uint32_t pp_;

void CalculatePrimality(ThreadPool::Task *arg) {
    PrimalityTask *ptask = static_cast<PrimalityTask*>(arg);
    char b; // contents don't matter
    int signal_fd = ptask->get_signal_fd();
    uint32_t pp = ptask->get_possible_prime();
    bool isPrime = true;
    for(uint32_t i = 2; i < pp; i++) {
        if (pp % i == 0) {
            isPrime = false;

    pair<uint32_t,bool> p(pp,isPrime);
    // This queue is thread-safe

    assert(write(signal_fd,&b,1) == 1);

    // When called, this function owns the task object, and is responsible for deleting it.
    delete arg;

// An EventLoopHandler to run when some output result is ready
class OutputDoneHandler : public EventLoopHandler {
  virtual void Handle(const int fd,
                      const unsigned int eventfield,
                      EventLoop *looper) {
      char c;
      while(read(fd,&c,1) != 1);
      pair<uint32_t,bool> p;
      assert(eventfield & EventLoop::FD_IS_READABLE);
      p = results.pop();
      cout << "The number " << p.first << (p.second ? " is prime." : " is not prime") << endl;
  virtual void Quitting(const int fd) { }

// An EventLoopHandler to run when the user has entered input
class InputEventHandler : public EventLoopHandler {
    InputEventHandler(int fd) : signal_fd_(fd) {}
  virtual void Handle(const int fd,
                      const unsigned int eventfield,
                      EventLoop *looper) {
      // Read the user input
      char buf[100];
      int bytes_read = 0;
      while (bytes_read < 100 && (bytes_read == 0 || buf[bytes_read-1] != '\n')) {
          int tmp = read(fd, buf, 100-bytes_read);
          if (tmp < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR))
          if (tmp < 0) {
              cerr << "error reading from stdin: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
          bytes_read += tmp;
      buf[bytes_read-1] = '\0';
      // If we read a q, quit, otherwise parse the integer and enqueue a new task to the thread pool
      if (buf[0]=='q') {
      } else {
          int pp = atoi(buf);
          pool.Dispatch(new PrimalityTask(signal_fd_,pp));
  virtual void Quitting(const int fd) { }
    int signal_fd_;

int main() {
    EventLoop loop;
    // Create a pipe, a pair of file descriptors that talk to each other.
    // The prime checker threads in the thread pool will write a byte here to
    // signal when they're done checking a prime, and the result is ready.
    // The main thread's event loop will wait on the other descriptor, and
    // dequeue a result when a byte arrives.
    int fds[2];
    assert(0 == pipe2(fds,O_NONBLOCK));
    int output_in_q_fd = fds[0];
    int signal_fd = fds[1];

    // Trigger an InputEventHandler when user input is entered
    assert(loop.RegisterFD(0,EventLoop::FD_IS_READABLE,new InputEventHandler(signal_fd)));

    // Trigger an OutputDoneHandler when a worker thread indicates a result is computed
    assert(loop.RegisterFD(output_in_q_fd,EventLoop::FD_IS_READABLE,new OutputDoneHandler()));

    // Kick off the event loop

    return 0;