CSE332, Spring 2012 Optional (!) Reading Justification of Quadratic Probing with Load Factor < 1/2 ----------------------------------------------------------- [This proof is also in the textbook, but it omits a couple details that were not obvious to your instructor.] Theorem: If an open-addressing hash table has a size TableSize that is a prime number, then quadratic probing will always find an empty hash-table position provided the table has fewer than TableSize/2 elements (i.e., the load factor is < 1/2). Proof: Recall that our quadratic probing function will look at index: (h(key) + i*i) % TableSize for the i^th probe. Also note the theorem assumes TableSize is prime. Because the table is less than half full, it suffices to show that the first TableSize/2 probes will never try the same table index more than once. Assume for purpose of contradiction this is not true. Then there exist j and k such that 1. j != k 2. j and k are greater than 0 and less than TableSize/2 3. (h(key) + j*j) % TableSize == (h(key) + k*k) % TableSize Given (3), we can derive: A. (j*j) % TableSize == (k*k) % TableSize by subtracting h(key) % TableSize from both sides B. (j*j - k*k) % TableSize == 0 by subtracting (k*k) % TableSize from both sides C. ((j+k)*(j-k)) % TableSize == 0 by factoring From (C), we can claim that either (j+k) % TableSize == 0 or (j-k) % TableSize == 0 because for all x, y, and p, if p is prime and x*y % p == 0, then x % p == 0 or y % p == 0. We prove this lemma below. (In this case, let x = j+k, y = j-k, and p = TableSize.) But it cannot be that (j-k) % TableSize == 0 because (1) ensures j!=k and (2) ensures j and k cannot differ by a factor of TableSize (since they are both less than TableSize / 2). So the only remaining possibility is (j+k) % TableSize == 0. But (2) also ensures j+k must be less than TableSize and greater than 0, so we have a contradiction. Therefore, the first TableSize/2 probes never repeat a table index. ------ Lemma: For all non-negative integers x, y, and p, if p is prime and x*y % p == 0, then x % p == 0 or y % p == 0. Proof: Since x*y % p == 0, there exists a non-negative integer c such that x*y == c*p. If c==0, then either x==0 or y==0, so either x % p == 0 or y % p == 0. If c > 0, then consider the prime factorizations of x, y, and c -- write them as x1*x2*...*xi, y1*y2*...*yj, and c1*c2...*ck respectively. Since p is prime, its prime factorization is p. Then x1*x2*...*xi*y1*y2*...*yj == c1*c2...*ck*p. But the prime factorization of any number is unique. So at least one of the prime factors of x or y must be p, which means x % p == 0 or y % p == 0 as any multiple of p is 0 modulo p. ------- Note the lemma's proof relies on p being prime. As an example of a non-prime, suppose x = 4, y = 15, and p = 6. Neither 4 % 6 == 0 nor 15 % 6 == 0, but 4*15 % 6 == 0. Notice how the prime factorization works out with c=10: 2*2 * 3*5 = 2*5 * 2*3. The two sides have the same terms, but neither x nor y contain all the factors of p -- both x and y contain some factors of p and some of c.