import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /* this class implements a fairly standard int queue; it's mainly meant for showing how to test. it's a linked list implementation, maintaining a front and back. things get enqueued at the back and dequeued from the front. the 'next' pointer of each node points backward (that is, toward 'back') */ public class AwesomeQueue { // enqueue at back, dequeue from front private LLNode front, back; //pointers point to back of list //initialize front and back to null public AwesomeQueue() { front = null; back = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return front == null; } //add to back public void enqueue(int v) { if (isEmpty()) { back = front = new LLNode(v); } else { = new LLNode(v);; } } //remove from front //throw an exception if its empty public int dequeue() { if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); int value = front.value; if (front == back) // only 1 node; set pointers to null { front = back = null; } else {; } return value; } //our linked list node; just has next and value fields private class LLNode { private LLNode next; private int value; public LLNode(int v) { value = v; next=null; } } }