Homework 6 Clarifications

Last updated Wed 5-14-2014

Testing We have given you a "test harness" for problem 1 and problem 2a that shows how we expect to be able to call the methods listed in the homework. These are NOT a full set of test cases, this is really just a harness that shows how we want to be able to run your code. While we are not asking you turn in any testing code we DO recommend that you test your code! In particular try some larger problem sizes and be sure your parallel code is actually being called.

What to turn in You should submit all java code needed to run your solutions to all parts of all three questions. This includes submitting all files we gave you including any modifications. Specifically you should submit TestProblem1.java and TestProblem2.java. You should also create a new file called TestProblem3.java. In each of these files you should have the methods named EXACTLY as described in the homework writeup. This means you will also need to modify TestProblem2.java to add in the getLongestSequenceCutOff method.

The goal is so that we can run your code with an overall driver file like this: RunHW6.java. Be sure that your code will compile and run with the driver before turning in!

Problem 3