Final Exam Information, CSE332 Summer 2012

Exam and Solutions

General Rules and Information


The intention is for the final to focus on the material after the midterm, specifically the units on sorting, graphs (including minimum spanning tree), parallelism, and concurrency. Given the limited time of the exam, not all topics from each unit will be covered.

This material is in the class materials from Week 5 up to and including the lecture on Monday, August 13. (not including lecture 24.5). See also the textbook chapters on sorting and graphs and the reading notes, "A Sophomoric Introduction to Parallelism and Concurrency." You are responsible only for topics discussed in class or section.

Naturally some of this material builds on some key ideas presented in the first half of the course and such material is fair game. For example, Dijkstra's algorithm uses a priority queue. As another example, we used a number of data structures as examples when studying concurrency. And of course asymptotic analysis remained central throughout the course. Thus, knowledge from the first half of the course (e.g., algorithmic analysis and the best-case/worst-case performance for various data structures and algorithms) may also be touched upon in the exam. However, you will NOT have questions in which you show how heaps, AVL trees, splay trees, or B trees are performed.

You should also be familiar with features of Java and its libraries that we used for learning the material. While the intellectual content of questions will mostly be about the general concepts, you may be expected to read and write relevant Java code. In particular, you should be comfortable with the ForkJoin library syntax.

Permitted Notes

Although the exam is closed book, you are permitted to bring notes to consult during the exam as long as they meet the following criteria:

Usage of notes that violate the above criteria will result in you receiving a zero on the exam.

Old Final Exams

Every offering of the course is different and covers a different set of topics given the limited time available. The exams below do not necesarily imply anything about the nature of our final, but they are drawn from course offerings with a very similar schedule. Do note that since out class meets for 90 minutes, your exam will be shorter than most finals.