import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; /** *, Version April-15-2011. * Starter code for CSE 332 Project 2, Univ. of Wash., Spring, 2011. * This applet provides very basic binary tree functionality. It is NOT an * implementation of the Binary Search Tree data structure. Rather, it supports * a strange and unusual INSERT method, and an inefficient FIND method. * Its main contribution, therefore, is providing a starting point for more * useful implementations such as real binary search trees. * It includes a straightforward means of drawing a binary tree on the applet's * drawing area, and it displays the node properties that assist in the display: * "inorder number", for the x coordinate, and depth, for the y coordinate. * The height of each node is also shown. * * Status as of April 15. Working. * * @author Steve Tanimoto * @version April-15-2011 */ public class VisualBinaryTreeApplet extends VisualDataStructureApplet { /** * Here we provide methods that override those of VisualDataStructureApplet. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; VisibleBinaryTree vbt; public void initDataStructure() { vbt = new VisibleBinaryTree(); vbt.theTree = null; myDataStructure = vbt; } @Override public void init() { super.init(); // Creates the user interface. // Now we put some sample commands into the command area // as a convenience for testing: userInputText.append("IS_EMPTY\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT penguin\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT aardvark\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT tiger\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT cougar\n"); userInputText.append("IS_EMPTY\n"); userInputText.append("CONTAINS aardvark\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT bear\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT canary\n"); userInputText.append("WAIT\n"); userInputText.append("INSERT leopard\n"); } public boolean process(String command) { if (super.process(command)) { return true; } ; return processDSCommands(command); } public void report(String msg) { statusLine.setText(msg); history.append(msg + "\n"); } public boolean processDSCommands(String command) { vbt.changed = false; if (firstToken.equals("NEW")) { myDataStructure = null; vbt.updateProperties(); updateDisplay(); checkScrolledPanelSize(); return true; } if (firstToken.equals("INSERT")) { arg = "UNDEFINED ELEMENT"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { arg = st.nextToken(); } vbt.insert(arg); if (vbt.changed) { vbt.updateProperties(); updateDisplay(); checkScrolledPanelSize(); } return true; } if (firstToken.equals("FIND")) { arg = "UNDEFINED ELEMENT"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { arg = st.nextToken(); } String result = vbt.findAndReport(arg); report("FIND returns " + result); return true; } if (firstToken.equals("IS_EMPTY")) { boolean result = vbt.isEmpty(); report("IS_EMPTY returns " + result); return true; } if (firstToken.equals("CONTAINS")) { arg = "UNDEFINED ELEMENT"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { arg = st.nextToken(); } String result = vbt.findAndReport(arg); boolean bresult = true; if (result == null) bresult = false; report("CONTAINS returns " + bresult); return true; } return false; } /* * The VisibleBinaryTree inner class implements the display methods required * for a visible data structure. It has data members for things like the colors * used to paint the nodes and arcs. The actual tree data structure itself * is in the data member named theTree. */ class VisibleBinaryTree extends VisibleDataStructure { BinaryTreeNode theTree; int treeSize = 0; Color myNodeColor; Color myNodeBorderColor; Color nodeLabelColor; Color arcColor; Font nodeLabelFont; FontMetrics nodeFontMetrics; Graphics g; BinaryTreeNode lastParent, parentOfSmallest; boolean isLeftChild; boolean changed; int inorderCounter; int maxDepth; int nodeWidth = 110; int nodeHeight = 60; int hoffset = nodeWidth / 2; int voffset = 100; int horizontalSpacing = 100; int verticalSpacing = 75; int xstart; boolean isEmpty() { if (theTree == null) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Special, unusual FIND method, to be replaced in Phase A. BinaryTreeNode find(String key) { boolean found = false; return preOrderFind(key, theTree); // call helper from root } BinaryTreeNode preOrderFind(String key, BinaryTreeNode currentNode) { if (currentNode==null) { return null; } if (currentNode.key.equals(key)) return currentNode; BinaryTreeNode tempResult = preOrderFind(key, currentNode.leftSubtree); if (tempResult!=null) { return tempResult; } tempResult = preOrderFind(key, currentNode.rightSubtree); return tempResult; } String findAndReport(String key) { return find(key).toString(); } // Unusual insert method, to be replaced in Phase A of project. // Chooses an insertion location in the tree by steering a strange path // from the root, according to the parity of the ASCII values of successive characters // in the key. void insert(String key) { BinaryTreeNode loc = find(key); if (loc != null) return; BinaryTreeNode newNode = new BinaryTreeNode(key); changed = true; if (isEmpty()) { theTree = newNode; treeSize = 1; return; } BinaryTreeNode parent = theTree; boolean side = false; boolean found = false; int step = 0; int n = key.length(); int direction = 0; // Loop through path until a good parent and side is found. // If parent is a leaf, it's good and we'll go to its left side. // If parent's left side is taken but right is free, go to its right. // If parent has two children, find parity of next char in key, and go // that way. while (! found) { direction = ((int)key.charAt(step % n)) % 2; if (parent.leftSubtree==null) { found = true; break; } if (parent.rightSubtree==null) { side = true; found = true; break; } if (direction==0) { parent = parent.leftSubtree; } else { parent = parent.rightSubtree; } } if (! side) { parent.leftSubtree = newNode; } else { parent.rightSubtree = newNode; } treeSize++; } void inorderTraversal() { if (theTree != null) theTree.inorderTraversal(); } void computeDepths() { if (theTree != null) theTree.computeDepths(); } void computeHeights() { if (theTree != null) theTree.computeHeights(); } @Override public Dimension getDisplayRegion() { int maxX = hoffset + (int) (scale * (xstart + inorderCounter * horizontalSpacing)); int maxY = (int) (scale * (50 + voffset + maxDepth * verticalSpacing)); return new Dimension(maxX, maxY); } @Override public void renderDS(Graphics g) { xstart = hoffset; renderDictionary(g); // generalized in anticipation of having multiple dictionaries. } public void renderDictionary(Graphics g) { renderBinaryTree(g); } public void renderBinaryTree(Graphics g) { if (theTree == null) return; this.g = g; // cache the graphics context so it // can be used easily in drawTree and drawNode. inorderCounter = 0; // initialize count to find x coords of each // node. theTree.inorderTraversal(); // numbers the nodes left-to-right. theTree.depth = 0; // get ready to find y coords (depth). maxDepth = 0; theTree.computeDepths(); // figure out and store depths of each // node. // Here are some arbitrary color choices. // There should be enough difference in colors so everything is // legible. Trial and error is one way to achieve this. myNodeColor = new Color(0, 192, 255); // indigo myNodeBorderColor = new Color(255, 0, 0); // red nodeLabelColor = new Color(230, 230, 255); // light blue arcColor = new Color(127, 0, 0); // dark red int fontSize = (int) (scale * initialFontSize); // note that initialFontSize is inherited from // VisualDataStructureApplet. nodeLabelFont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, fontSize); g.setFont(nodeLabelFont); nodeFontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(); drawTree(theTree); } void drawTree(BinaryTreeNode node) { if (node == null) return; // Note that drawing is done in a sort of postorder traversal, // so that the nodes will be drawn OVER the arcs, // rather than vice-versa. if (node.leftSubtree != null) { g.setColor(arcColor); g.drawLine(node.xcenter, node.ycenter, node.leftSubtree.xcenter, node.leftSubtree.ycenter); drawTree(node.leftSubtree); } if (node.rightSubtree != null) { g.setColor(arcColor); g.drawLine(node.xcenter, node.ycenter, node.rightSubtree.xcenter, node.rightSubtree.ycenter); drawTree(node.rightSubtree); } drawNode(node); } void drawNode(BinaryTreeNode node) { // Draw the box or oval for the node. g.setColor(myNodeBorderColor); int pad = 10; g.fillRect(node.xcenter - (int) (scale * (nodeWidth + pad) / 2), node.ycenter - (int) (scale * (nodeHeight + pad) / 2), (int) (scale * (nodeWidth + pad)), (int) (scale * (nodeHeight + pad))); g.setColor(myNodeColor); g.fillRect(node.xcenter - (int) (scale * nodeWidth / 2), node.ycenter - (int) (scale * nodeHeight / 2), (int) (scale * nodeWidth), (int) (scale * nodeHeight)); g.setColor(myNodeBorderColor); g.drawRect(node.xcenter - (int) (scale * nodeWidth / 2), node.ycenter - (int) (scale * nodeHeight / 2), (int) (scale * nodeWidth), (int) (scale * nodeHeight)); // g.fillOval(node.xcenter - (int)(scale*nodeWidth/2), // node.ycenter - (int)(scale*nodeHeight/2), // (int)(scale*nodeWidth), (int)(scale*nodeHeight)); // Now draw the node's label, scaled and centered. String label = node.key.toString(); int labelWidth = nodeFontMetrics.stringWidth(label); int labelHeight = nodeFontMetrics.getHeight(); g.setColor(nodeLabelColor); g.drawString(node.key, node.xcenter - labelWidth / 2, node.ycenter + (int) (0.25 * labelHeight)); String info = "d=" + node.depth + "; h=" + node.height + "; i=" + node.inorderIndex; int infoWidth = nodeFontMetrics.stringWidth(info); int infoHeight = nodeFontMetrics.getHeight(); g.drawString(info, node.xcenter - infoWidth / 2, node.ycenter + (int) (1.25 * labelHeight)); } void updateProperties() { vbt.inorderTraversal(); vbt.computeDepths(); vbt.computeHeights(); } /* * This inner class represents the actual binary tree, by representing its * root, and recursively, its subtrees. It also provides data members for * storing some display information particular to each node, such as * coordinates on the screen. */ class BinaryTreeNode { String key; BinaryTreeNode leftSubtree; BinaryTreeNode rightSubtree; int inorderIndex; int depth = 0; int height = 0; int xcenter; int ycenter; BinaryTreeNode(String s) { key = s; } void inorderTraversal() { if (leftSubtree != null) { leftSubtree.inorderTraversal(); } inorderIndex = inorderCounter++; xcenter = (int) (scale * (xstart + (horizontalSpacing * (inorderIndex+0.3)))); if (rightSubtree != null) { rightSubtree.inorderTraversal(); } } void computeDepths() { ycenter = (int) (scale * (voffset + verticalSpacing * depth)); if (leftSubtree != null) { leftSubtree.depth = depth + 1; leftSubtree.computeDepths(); } if (rightSubtree != null) { rightSubtree.depth = depth + 1; rightSubtree.computeDepths(); } maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, depth); } int computeHeights() { if (leftSubtree == null && rightSubtree == null) { height = 0; return height; } if (leftSubtree == null) { height = 1 + rightSubtree.computeHeights(); return height; } if (rightSubtree == null) { height = 1 + leftSubtree.computeHeights(); return height; } height = 1 + Math.max(leftSubtree.computeHeights(), rightSubtree .computeHeights()); return height; } } } }