Exam Information, CSE332 Spring 2010
Midterm: Friday, April 30, in class
exam unsolved
exam solved
Final: Tuesday, June 8, 2:30-4:20, EEB037
exam unsolved
exam solved
General Rules and Coverage
- Exams are closed-book, closed-notes.
- You may use a calculator for basic arithmetic (not
storage, formulas, etc.). A calculator is probably unnecessary.
- Material that is in the textbook but not discussed in
class/homeworks will not be on the exam.
- Material covered in class but not in the textbook is fair
game. There isn't that much for the midterm, but an example is AVL
deletion. There is much more for the final.
Midterm Coverage
- For the midterm, all material up through hashing is
"fair game". (This is through lecture 11 in the posted
materials, though we spent most of lecture 12 on the lecture 11
materials. Sorting is not on the midterm.)
- The midterm will not cover Java specifics/details, though you may
need to read or write small amounts of Java code.
Final Coverage
- The intention is for the final to test the material after
the midterm, specifically sorting, graphs, parallelism,
concurrency, and amortization. It will not cover NP. Given the
limited time of the exam, not all topics will be covered.
This material is in the class materials for lectures 12 through 26
(including the part of lecture 26 we did on June 2).
Naturally some of this material builds on some key ideas presented in
the first half of the course.
- You should be familiar with features of Java and its
libraries that we used for learning the material. While the
intellectual content of questions will mostly be about the general concepts,
you will be expected to read and write relevant Java code.
Old Exams
Remember this is the first offering of CSE332, so old exams from
CSE326 are only approximate. So mind these caveats:
- We did not cover as many priority queues and balanced trees, so
ignore questions about skew heaps, leftist heaps, binomial queues,
null path lengths, and splay trees.
- B Trees and hash tables are on our midterm, but you will have to
look at old final exams to find problems about them.
- 326 did not cover parallelism or concurrency, so there are no
sample questions about those. The last week of section will be a
review session that may include some examples. Also see homeworks 6,
7, and 8.
- Overall expect a somewhat tougher exam that focuses on key
properties of the data structures and math we learned. But there will
be some "drill" problems manipulating data structures too.
- Many of the old exams do not have sample solutions available, but
feel free to post to the message board or ask the course staff if you
have questions.
- In the end, 326 and 332 cover mostly similar material, but they
are different courses.
326 Midterms
326 Finals