This website will be the main source of information about the course. However, we will also use the following web pages:
In addition to these web pages, students will need to install software, as described in the next section.
In the last section on this page, you will find additional resources that may be helpful during the quarter.
All students should have access to the following software, either on their own computer or using the department's computers:
The following section describes, in a step-by-step manner, how to go about installing this software.
Students are expected to complete the following steps described on this page before the first quiz section of the quarter. Those who have any trouble should ask for help on the message board. If it cannot be resolved that way, they can come to section after getting as far as they can on their own.
This page summarizes CSE 331 specific coding conventions that you should keep in mind while completing assignments.
This section contains links to articles and websites with more information about the languages we are using. They include lots of information that is useful but beyond what we can cover in class.