Graph Definitions and Terminology
In this assignment, you will design (but not implement) a graph ADT. You will need to specify the operations that this ADT can perform and write a test suite to check whether an implementation would satisfy your specification.
To encourage discussion about how to design ADTs, we are relaxing the standard collaboration policy somewhat for the interface design stage of this assignment. Before collaborating with others, we ask that you attempt to come up with an interface design on your own. Note that you should still complete the worksheet and make the test suite by yourself.
This assignment is the first of a multi-part project. It is in your interest to design a reusable ADT as you will be both a client and implementer of the ADT in future assignments. Do the best you can, but you should expect to improve your design and refactor your implementation over the course of the quarter.
Part 1: Written Exercises
We recommend working on this part before starting the rest of the homework as it help you design your ADT.
Complete the code reasoning problem given in this worksheet.
On the worksheet, you will practice some of the ADT concepts from lecture. Specifically you will work on the IntPoly
ADT, which represents a polynomial with integer coefficients. You will think about how representation invariants can be chosen, how these invariants relate to the representations we have, and how they change our design process.
Feel free to print out the worksheet or rewrite the problems on a separate sheet. You may submit a scanned copy of any hand-written document with the problems and your solutions as long as it is legible.
Submit your solution as a PDF in Gradescope. Be sure to indicate in Gradescope which pages of your PDF solve each problem.
Graph Definitions and Terminology
In the rest of this assignment you will design a directed labeled graph and write tests for it, but you will not implement it. What you eventually turn in will look very similar to the starter code we have given you for the previous homework. There should be full Javadoc comments, stubs for methods/constructors, tests, etc... However, there should be no implementation at all – that’s what we'll do in HW6.
You will lose a very significant amount of points if you implement your graph in this homework.
A graph is a collection of
nodes (also called vertices) and
edges. Each edge connects two nodes. In a
directed graph, edges are one-way: an edge
e = 〈A,B〉
indicates that B is directly reachable from
A. To indicate that B is directly reachable from A
and A from B, a directed graph would have edges
and 〈B,A〉
The children of node B are the nodes to which there is an edge from B. In Fig. 1, the children of B are A and C. Similarly, the parents of B are the nodes from which there is an edge to B. In Fig. 1 B has only one parent, A.
A path is a sequence of edges
〈node1,node2〉, 〈node2,node3〉, 〈node3,
In other words, a path is an ordered list of edges, where an edge
to some node is immediately followed by an edge
from that node. In Fig. 1, one possible path is
. This path
represents traveling from B to A to B to C. A path may traverse a particular
edge any number of times.
In this class, your graphs can have any number of edges (zero, one, or more) between a pair of nodes (this kind of graph is often known as a multigraph). Fig. 2 shows a graph with 2 edges from A to C.
In a labeled graph (Fig. 3), every edge has a label containing information of some sort. Labels are not unique: multiple edges may have the same label. For this project, you may assume that no 2 edges with the same parent and child nodes will have the same edge label. (Whether or not you do make the assumption, make sure it is clearly documented so clients understand how they can use your ADT.)

Figure 1: A simple directed graph with four nodes.

Figure 2: A directed graph.

Figure 3: A directed labeled graph.
If you want to learn more, read Wikipedia's definition of a graph . If you still have questions, ask the course staff.
Many interesting problems can be represented with graphs. For example:
A graph can represent airline flights between cities, where each city is a node and an edge
indicates that there is a flight from A to B. The edge label might represent the cost in money (airfare), time (length of flight), or distance. -
To find walking routes across the UW campus, you can build a graph where nodes represent buildings and other locations and edges represent walking paths connecting two locations. The label/cost of an edge is the physical length of that path.
The Web can be modeled as a graph with node for every webpage and an edge
if page A links to page B. The label could indicate the anchor text for a link on page A, or the number of links from page A to page B. -
Facebook is essentially a giant graph with nodes for users and edges between friends. (You can see a visualization of the Facebook graph .)
Part 2: Write a Specification for Graph
To start, you will specify the API for a Java class or classes representing a directed labeled graph. The API, or public interface, is the collection of public classes and methods that clients of your graph ADT can use. We recommend that you work in iterative layers of detail.
Start rough — preferably with pencil and paper — by identifying what operations the ADT needs to support, how it might be logically broken into classes and interfaces, and how these classes and interfaces rely on each other. Then, jot down a list of methods for each class that provide these operations. Think through some possible client applications particularly the application in UW campus map, to get an idea for what operations are needed.
Don't worry about implementing path finding, a search algorithm, or sorting algorithm — in fact, you should not include this functionality in your API design. Instead, focus on lower-level operations needed to build a graph and access elements in it.
Initially, don't write formal class and method specifications. Your design will likely go through multiple iterations, and it's easier to throw away parts if you have invested less effort in them.
You may find the Test Script File Format section helpful in determining, at minimum, the functionality your graph must be able to satisfy. Implementing the test script commands as a client of your graph should be a trivial matter.
Once you are satisfied with your high-level design, write a Javadoc
specification for each class and method. Follow the CSE 331
format, remembering to use
both standard Javadoc tags (param
, return
) and ones introduced for this course
, spec.effects
A good approach is to create skeleton
implementations of your classes containing only method “stubs”
for public methods, then write your specifications in the right place in the
source file. A stub is a not-yet-implemented method whose body simply throws
a RuntimeException
with a message indicating that the method is
not yet implemented. Stub methods give you the flexibility to compile client
code and tests before all your methods are implemented correctly.
As you write the Javadoc specifications and create the stub methods, review
the HTML API documentation produced by the
tool. You can invoke the javadoc took by running the "javadoc" task under
the "documentation" category for your gradle project. After you run the
tool, you can view the generated docs by right clicking
on the file hw-graph/build/docs/javadoc/index.html
and choosing
"Open in Browser." Reviewing specifications in this format can provide
useful feedback on the quality and completeness of the work you've done.
You may assume nodes are uniquely identified by their data contents: that
is, no two nodes store entirely equal data. For this assignment, you should
restrict your graph to store node and edge labels as String
DO NOT use Java generics for this assignment.
Students who know a bit about generics and try to use them in this assignment tend to struggle on subsequent assignments. We will give a more solid introduction on generics in CSE 331, and after that we will ask you to make your ADT work for generics.
Because you are defining a single abstraction (a graph), you should
generally define a single top-level class. (You may choose to define a
top-level interface as well.) It is OK to use helper classes, but they
should be inner classes — much like
a nested interface of
Note that inner classes can be public and used by clients, as
is. (If the inner class is an implementation detail,
it should be private. If it is a publicized part of the ADT specification,
it should be public.)
Why should there be only one top-level graph class? It would be bad style to spread a single abstraction across multiple public top-level classes. Using multiple public top-level classes leads to an implementation and a rep invariant that is distributed across multiple classes rather than being local as it should be. Putting your abstraction in a single top-level class makes it easier to understand and verify. In some cases (though not for public helper classes!), helper classes are implementation details, so their existence exposes the representation — a client could come to depend on them, restricting your ability to change the implementation in the future.
Implementation details, such as fields, representation invariants, and abstraction functions, private methods, and private inner classes, are not part of the public specification. Therefore, they should not be part of what you submit for this assignment.
Design problems such as this one are open-ended by nature: we are not looking for one “right” design; there are principles of good design you have learned in lecture, however. You will also find suggestions of what to consider and how to approach the problem in the hints section.
Also, designs naturally evolve as requirements change, so try to make your code easy to expand without making it overly general right away. You are allowed to change the design in the future, and most students do, as they discover limitations of their original design or invent better designs.
In the file hw-graph/src/main/java/graph/answers-hw5.txt
, write
a brief description of why you included the operations you did and why you
feel they are a sufficient interface to a graph. If your design includes
multiple classes or interfaces, explain why you included each one; if not,
explain whether you considered additional classes and why you decided not to
include them.
Your total work in this part is this brief write-up plus the Javadoc class
and method specifications as they appear directly in the source code. You
should verify that the javadoc
Gradle task runs without any
errors and produces complete, well-formatted documentation in the html
Part 3: Write Tests for Graph
Now, write a high-quality test suite for your Graph specifications. Because we have not yet implemented our graph ADT, these are specification tests (rather than implementation tests) which are important to include so we can test the behavior separately from our perspective as an implementer.
There are two kinds of tests we ask you to write:
Script Tests:
Because we didn't specify any of the class or method names you need to write, we can't directly run tests on your code (how would we know what methods to call?). Instead, we will use script tests which allow us to specify a standard set of behaviors according to a standard set of string commands that will utilize an intermediate program which will call your actual methods appropriately upon reading the string commands.
For this homework you will be writing script test cases. Each test consists of a
and a.expected
file. The.test
contains string commands that indicate which task the graph should perform, and the.expected
file will contain string output based on the expected result of performing the test commands. It is necessary that you construct script test cases in the exact format specified in the Test Script File Format section. All script test files must be in thehw-graph/src/test/resources/testScripts/
directory.Each test should have the same base file name for both its
files, for example you may have a command file namedtestAdd.test
with expected output intestAdd.expected
. These file names should be descriptive to indicate which case the test tests, and you should include comments to explain further.Like methods in unit tests, each test file should test only one distinct condition. It is okay to include many operations in a single test, but those operations must be focused on testing one particular behavior. Think of each .test/.expected pair as the equivalent to one method in a JUnit test suit, so you'll probably probably have a large number of them.
For now, don't worry about how these test will actually run on your code, your task is writing out test cases accoring to the format we specify.
JUnit Tests:
For any behavior that you weren't able to fully test using the scipt tests, you should write JUnit tests like the tests you wrote in HW4 and like all staff given test suites in prior homeworks. Generally you want to have one JUnit test class for each public ADT class you specify. In these tests you can call the test stub methods that you created in your ADT classes. Once those stubs are implemented in the next homework, you should be able to run this test suite without making any changes.
You should put junit tests you write in
. Note: You'll likely need to import your graph code (import graph.*;
) in your JUnit tests in order for the code to compile.
The combination of script tests and JUnit tests should be a complete and thorough test suite for your graph. You should try to test as much behavior as possible using the script tests first, then add supplementary JUnit tests as needed for anything that you can't test with the script testing language. Depending on your design, this may mean that you have very few JUnit tests (if the majority of your program's behavior can be tested using the script language).
Both your script tests and your JUnit tests will fail, because you have not yet implemented your graph. They should succeed after you implement your graph in the next assignment.
However, you code should compile correctly.
You can use the hw-graph:validateGraphDesign
gradle task,
under "hw-graph > Tasks > homework" in the gradle menu, to verify that
your code compiles and the javadocs generate successfully.
In the same answers-hw5.txt
file from earlier, write a
paragraph or two (max) documenting and explaining your testing strategy.
Mention how your script tests differ from your JUnit tests (if they do) and
Test Script File Format
Because you and your classmates will have different specifications for class(es) and methods in this assignment, we need a standardized interface to test your code. We specify a text-based scripting format used to write instructions that will be executed by your graph. Because the script language is designed to be a standard interface for all students, you must implement the script language exactly as we describe it here.
You may not add or remove commands, and you may not modify the output format, casing, whitespace, or behavior of any of the existing commands in any way. The point of the script language is for it to be consistent across all students, so everyone must implement the same thing.
The testing script is a simple text file with one command listed per line. Each line consists of words separated by white space. The first word on each line is a command name. The remaining words are arguments to that command. To simplify parsing the file, graph names and node and edge data may contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters (in other words, numbers and English letters (upper or lower case)).
Each test that you write will consist of two files with the same name,
but one with the .test
extension, and the other with the
extension. When the tests are run, a test driver
will read each line in the .test
file and execute the
corresponding command (or simply echo it, as described below) then add
the output of that command to a file that it generates with the same
name but an .actual
After the test is complete,
the .actual
file looks exactly like the .test
file but every command has been replaced with the output of running that
command. To determine if the test has passed, the test driver compares
the contents of the .expected
and .actual
files. If they match exactly, the test passes. If there's some
difference between what was "expected" and what "actuallly" happened,
the test fails.
IntelliJ may prompt you to install a plugin for .test
Don't install it, IntelliJ is misunderstanding what we're using the
files for. Just manipulate .test
as text.
Remember, in this assignment, you haven't implemented graph or the test driver yet so your tests are expected to fail.
The following is a description of the valid commands. Each command has an associated output that's generated when the command is executed. Lines that have a hash (#) as their first character are considered comment lines and are only echoed to the output when running the test script. Lines that are blank should cause a blank line to be printed to the output. These commands were chosen for ease of testing and are not meant to suggest what methods you should include in your graph specifications or how you should implement them. For example, it doesn't make sense for your graph ADT to store a name for the graph.
CreateGraph graphName
Creates a new graph named graphName. The graph is initially empty (has no nodes and no edges). The command's output is:
created graph graphName
If the graph already exists, the output of this command is not defined. Note that graph names are used purely in the test script — they allow you to create a use multiple graphs within the same test; it is unlikely to make sense for your graph ADT to store a name.
AddNode graphName nodeData
Adds a node represented by the string nodeData to the graph named graphName . The command's output is:
added node nodeData to graphName
If a node with this data is already in the graph, the output of this command is not defined.
graphName parentNode childNode edgeLabel
Creates an edge from parentNode to childNode with label edgeLabel in the graph named graphName. The command's output is:
added edge edgeLabel from parentNode to childNode in graphName
If either node does not exist in the graph, the output of this command is not defined. If an identical edge (same parent, child, and label) already exists, the output of this command is not defined either, as it is left to your discretion whether to allow identical edges in your implementation.
ListNodes graphName
This command has no effect on the graph. Its output starts with:
graphName contains:
and is followed, on the same line, by a space-separated list of the node data contained in each node of the graph. The nodes should appear in alphabetical order. There is a single space between the colon and the first node name, but no space if there are no nodes.
ListChildren graphName parentNode
This command has no effect on the graph. Its output starts with:
the children of parentNode in graphName are:
and is followed, on the same line, by a space-separated list of
entries of the form node(edgeLabel),
where node is a node in
graphName to which there is an edge
from parentNode and
edgeLabel is the label on that edge. If
there are multiple edges between two nodes, there should be a
separate node(edgeLabel) entry for each
edge. The nodes should appear in lexicographical (alphabetical)
order by node name and secondarily by edge label, e.g.
firstNode(someEdge) secondNode(edgeA) secondNode(edgeB)
secondNode(edgeC) thirdNode(anotherEdge)
There is a single space between the colon and the first node name,
but no space if there are no children.
Sample input and output: we have provided
example input and output files in your
directory. You may assume the input files are well-formed.
Writing Specifications
To give you some sense of the kinds of issues you should be considering in your design, here are some questions worth considering. These don't have simple answers. You'll need to exercise judgment, and think carefully about how different decisions may interfere with each other.
Will the graph be mutable or immutable?
Will the graph be implemented as a single class, or will there be a Java interface for the Graph specification and a separate class for the implementation?
Will edges be objects in their own right? Will they be visible to a client of the abstract type?
Will nodes be objects in their own right? Will they be visible to a client of the abstract type?
When will the user specify the nodes and/or edges in the graph? (In the constructor? With an insertion method? Both? Can the user add multiple nodes and/or edges at once?)
What kind of iterators will the type provide?
Will the type provide any views, like the set view returned by the
method of java.util.Map ? -
Will the type implement any standard Java collection interfaces?
Will the type use any standard Java collections in its implementation?
In choosing what operations/methods to include, strive to include enough that the ADT will be convenient and useful for a client, but avoid the temptation to write an “everything but the kitchen sink” API. Generally speaking, it is better to design a minimal than a maximal API. In the real world, you can always add methods later. However, you can never remove them from a published API, and such methods may over-constrain the implementation in the future.
Make good use of the course staff. If you have concrete questions, then take your specification to office hours for feedback on your design and style. Doing so could save you a lot of time.
Designing Tests
It can be difficult to come up with a good test suite. You would like to test a variety of “interesting” graphs, but what are interesting graphs? One possible approach is a “0, 1, 2” case analysis: test scripts with 0, 1, and 2 graphs are interesting; graphs with 0, 1, and 2 nodes and 0, 1, and 2 edges are interesting. For each method, 0, 1, and 2 parameters and 0, 1, and 2 results are interesting; for example: AddEdge on nodes that currently have 0, 1, and 2 children; ListChildren on nodes with 0, 1, and 2 children; etc. This approach, while certainly not required, can give a good way to structure your tests to cover many important cases without too much redundancy. Following only this approach doesn't guarantee that you've written a good test suite, though, so make sure you apply the knowledge you've gained in lecture and section and ask questions if you're confused.
You also may want to think about specific kinds of Graphs, and test those cases separately. For example: what might go wrong if your graph has a cycle in it? What if there are "islands" — multiple different groups of nodes that have no edges connecting them? What about other "odd" Graphs?
Q & A
Q: Does the graph ADT have to support an edge connecting a node to itself?
A: Yes. It's common for graphs to have these kind of nodes, so your ADT should allow them.
Q: Does the graph ADT have to support multiple edges between the same nodes with the same edge labels?
A: No, you can choose if you'd like to support this as part of your design.
How to Turn In Your Homework
Your answers in Part 1 should be submitted in Gradescope, as a PDF file. This should be the only part you are submitting in Gradescope.
Refer to the Assignment Submission Handout and closely follow the steps listed to submit the coding portion of your assignment. Do not forget to double check your submission as described in that handout — you are responsible for any issues if your code does not run when we try to grade it.
Use the tag name hw5-final for this assignment.
The regular gradle validate
task attempts to run the tests
for an assignment. Since your tests are expected to fail for this
assignment, you should use the the grade task:
to verify your code on attu.
Your TA should be able to find the following in the your repository:
- [Java classes for your graph design] hw-graph/src/test/resources/testScripts/*.test
- [Other JUnit test classes you create]
The answers-hw6.txt
file will be used for next week's
assignment — you can leave it blank for the purposes of this