from time import time from flask import Flask, Response,request app = Flask(__name__) lst = [] # List of (name, complete time) for all items ever added. # Returns a textual description of all items either uncompleted or completed # within the last 5 seconds. @app.route('/list') def todo_list(): since = time() - 5 text = '\n'.join(map(lambda t: t[0] + "\t(completed)" if t[1] > 0 else t[0], filter(lambda t: t[1] < 0 or since <= t[1], lst))) return Response(text, mimetype='text/plain') # Adds the given item to the list or, if it is already completed, changes it # back to non-completed. @app.route('/add', methods=['POST']) def todo_add(): name = request.args.get('name') names = list(map(lambda t: t[0], lst)) try: index = names.index(name) if lst[index][1] >= 0: lst[index][1] = -1 # change back to not completed return "added" else: return "added already" except: lst.append([name, -1]) return "added" # Marks the given item as having just been completed. @app.route('/completed', methods=['POST']) def todo_completed(): name = request.args.get('name') names = list(map(lambda t: t[0], lst)) index = names.index(name) lst[index][1] = time() return "completed" if __name__ == '__main__':'localhost', port=4567, debug=True, threaded=False)