package todo; import spark.Spark; /** * Main class that sets up the to-do server, which allows users to read and * update a to-do list. */ public class TodoServer { public static void main(String[] args) { new CORSFilter().apply(); // make this easier to use in development // this would be disabled in production // Stores the current to-do list (just in memory... not saved anywhere). TodoList list = new TodoList(5); // 5 seconds just for demo // Return the current list with one item per line. Spark.get("/list", (req, res) -> { res.type("text/plain"); return list.describe(); }); // Adds the given item (?name=...) if not already present."/add", (req, res) -> { String name = req.queryParams("name"); if (name == null) { res.status(400); return "name missing"; } else { res.type("text/plain"); if (!list.has(name)) { list.add(name); return "added"; } else { return "added already"; } } }); // Marks the given item as completed (right now)."/completed", (req, res) -> { String name = req.queryParams("name"); if (name == null) { res.status(400); return "name missing"; } else if (!list.has(name)) { res.status(400); return "item not found"; } else { res.type("text/plain"); list.completed(name); return "done"; } }); } }