
How to Resubmit

You may resubmit your code for coding assignments. The only part of your score that will be updated is the correcness portion. You will only receive up to 80% of the correctness score for resubmissions:

To resubmit your code, you must add a hwN-resubmission tag. You may resubmit a specific assignment no more than 10 times. You should not require more than one or two resubmissions, and we may reduce the cap. Every hour, your code will be run against the staff tests and a score will be updated to Canvas. Your code will be manually run on the resubmission tool approximately 1 to 2 times a day. See the Viewing your scores for more information. Once your code has been run against the staff tests, you may delete your tag and move it to a new commit if you'd like to resubmit again.

Based on the number of resubmissions we receive, we may be forced to either reduce the number of attempts we allow, or increase the duration between each run of the Resubmission script. Brute-forcing your way through the resubmission may result in your correctness score being reduced to 0.

You should not resubmit your assignment if you received more than 80% in your correctness score.

Viewing your scores

A Canvas Assignment named HWN Resubmission will be created for each of the assignments that can be resubmitted. Your score for the assignment will be 0 or 1. You will receive full credit(80%) if you pass all the staff tests. You will receive a 0 if you fail any tests. Should you receive a 0, your original score will stay unaffected.

Improving your scores

The course staff can provide hints as to what you may need to fix, but you should not ask for staff support until you fail 3 attempts. This feedback should be used to add more tests to your own test-suite to test the methods the staff points you to. Resubmission is an opportunity for you to learn from your mistakes and thus earn more points. We encourage you to focus on the learning aspect.


Assignment Name Resubmission Opens Resubmission Closes
HW5 March 11th 2019 March 22nd 2019
HW6 March 12th 2019 March 22nd 2019
HW7 March 14th 2019 March 22nd 2019
HW8 March 15th 2019 March 22nd 2019

NOTE: You may create your resubmission tag prior to the date the resubmission for the specific assignment opens.