import java.util.*; /** * A SimModel is a simple simulation framework for simulations of * collections of objects. SimThings can be added to the model, * and SimViewers can ask to be notified regularly so they can * display the world.

* * The simulation repeats the following cycle as many times as requested:
* * Birth - anything added to the simulation on the previous cycle * is added to the world.
* * Action - all SimThings are asked to perform their action() method * in some unpredictable order.
* * View - all SimViewers are notified

* * The birth and action operations are separated so new things added to * the simulation in the middle of one cycle don't affect other * actions on the same cycle (i.e., all actions on one cycle should * be carried out with the existing population of things, without newly * created things interacting with old ones in unexpected ways).

* * This particular simulation is unrealistic in that the object coordinates * are the same as the display graphics coordinates. In a more realistic * system, the object coordinates would be appropriate for the model and would * be scaled by the viewer to fit the view.

* * Adapted from an old simulation framework developed for CSE142/143. */ public class SimModel { // Implementation note: this simulation implements a hand-crafted // observer pattern by directly keeping lists of things and viewers. // The standard library observer/observable types could be used instead // (and probably should be in production code), but this is slightly // simpler and shows more of the details // instance variables private List things; // List of all SimThings in this model // at the beginning of the current cycle. private List newThings; // SimThings added to this model during // the current cycle. private List viewers; // SimViews registered to view this // SimModel. private int cyclesToGo; // Number of cycles remaining in the // current simulation private int width, height; // Width and height of the simulated world private boolean paused; // True if the simulation is paused private final int sleepTime = 50; // # msec. to sleep between cycles /** * Constructor for objects of class SimModel * @param width Width of the simulated world * @param height Height of the simulated world */ public SimModel(int width, int height) { // capture model size this.width = width; this.height = height; // Start with no SimThings and no new ones to add things = new ArrayList(); newThings = new ArrayList(); viewers = new ArrayList(); cyclesToGo = 0; // simulation is running initially paused = false; } /** * Add the given SimThing to the world after this cycle is complete. * @param t the SimThing to be added */ public void add(SimThing t) { newThings.add(t); } /** * Add the given SimView to the list of viewers to be * notified each cycle. * @param v the new viewer */ public void addView(SimView v) { viewers.add(v); } /** * Return a copy of the list of Things in the simulation * at the beginning of the current cycle. * @return a new list with a copy of all things currently in the simulation */ public List getThings() { return new ArrayList(things); } /** * Return the horizontal size of the simulated world * @return width of the simulation */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Return the vertical size of the simulated world * @return height of the simulation */ public int getHeight() { return height; } public void setWidth(int w) { this.width = w; } public void setHeight(int h) { this.height = h; } /** * Run the simulation for the requested number of cycles * @param nCycles number of cycles to run */ public void go(int nCycles) { cyclesToGo = nCycles; runSim(); } /** * Run the simulation indefinitely */ public void go() { go(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Pause the simulation */ public void pause() { paused = true; } /** * Resume the simulation */ public void resume() { paused = false; } /** * Stop the simulation */ public void stop() { cyclesToGo = 0; } /** * Run the simulation until number of requested cycles * performed, or until stopped. */ private void runSim() { while (cyclesToGo > 0) { if (! paused) { cycle(); cyclesToGo--; } try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore */ } } } /** * Run one simulation cycle */ private void cycle() { // Add newborn things to the world, and set // list of newborns to empty to start this cycle things.addAll(newThings); newThings.clear(); // Have all things in the sumulation perform their actions for (SimThing t: things) { t.action(); } // Notify all viewers so they can update as needed for (SimView v: viewers) { v.notifyViewer(); } } }