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UW CSE Instructional Computing

Students may use both the Windows and Linux machines in the UW software labs. However, in certain cases, you will need a Linux prompt to perform an action.

Windows users should SSH into the the Unix host attu to perform command line actions. For some actions, Linux users will also be required to SSH into attu in order to ensure consistent results.

Using Unix

In order to perform some CSE 331 tasks, you will need a basic knowledge of Unix/Linux commands.

Logging into attu with SSH

attu is the name of an Instructional Workstation (IWS) machine. You will occasionally need to log into this machine. See the Working at Home document for instructions on logging in to attu, whether from home or from another CSE computer.


Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) is available on the UW CSE instructional machines, and may be used for coding CSE 331 assignment solutions. This quarter, CSE 331 will use version 1.8 (a.k.a. 8) of the JDK.

Editing, Compiling, Running, and Testing Java Programs

Please see the document Tools Handout: Editing, Compiling, Running, and Testing Java Programs for detailed instructions.

Useful Java Websites

Using javadoc to generate specs

See the javadoc331 documentation.


Please consult the Tools Handout: Version Control Reference for details on using Git to manage your source code.

Working at home

If you choose to do some or all of your work on your own computer, instead of in the Allen Center software labs, then see the document on working at home.

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